RECENTLY, there was a jehadi attack on Pune and the same cliché word was used to describe places like Pune, Bengaluru, Jaipur etc-that is “soft target”. Who used it? All political parties, governmental spokespersons, officers, pseudo-secular social thinkers and their friendly media. This is the basic blunder being done in tackling jehadi terrorism in Bharat. There is nothing like a soft or hard target here. This is jehad against Bharat and this is a hardcore war against Bharat and against Hindus. Those who describe any place attacked by jehadis as soft target do not really understand the very purpose of the attack. They attack all those who are not like them and that’s all. Therefore from their beginning, the strategy has been to conquer those who oppose them either by force or by killing. From Jordan to Iran, from Afghanistan to Pakistan and from Malaysia to Indonesia, this has been their chosen strategy. Bharat has fought this aggression for centuries even under their rule for 400 years and unfortunately even today fighting the similar aggression even in democracy! After conquering 2/3rd world, their chosen target is Bharat and, therefore, there is nothing like a soft target when any place in Bharat gets attacked by jehadis; it is always a chosen target, because entire Bharat is their chosen target.
When we all would try to explain this concept of jehad and how dangerous it is to the nation, most pseudo-seculars would condemn it as an outdated blah-blah until 9/11. This was when the US of A started using jehad word to explain as to why Osama attacked them then and even before in Yemen in the sea, that somewhere in Bharat some people started realising the larger conspiracy in many such attacks in Bharat-be it Kashmir 1990 or Mumbai March 12, 1993, and many of them later. Some rightly realised that even 1947 Partition was a planned political jehad by Jinnah. Historians started explaining earlier invasions and rules by many Islamic invaders on Bharat as an attempt of jehad and not just looting. Yet, up until Mumbai attack on 26/11, for many so-called pseudo-secularist, the word jehad was not only a taboo but also was ‘an extreme reaction by mad people like Togadia’. Now the same so-called secular social thinkers and media are using the word jehad to describe such attacks as on Pune, Bengaluru, Jaipur, Delhi and so on. Not that the well-meaning people in Bharat’s Army and various investigating agencies did not know that those were jehadi attacks. Many government lawyers even had enough knowledge that there is something called an Al-Qaeda manual which teaches a jehadi how to plan not just the attack but also the escape, excuse and is caught, then how to mislead and misguide the police and other authorities and even then it goes out of hand then how to bring women from the family to shout on the streets or to blame the investigating authority (army/police/courts-all) and claim torture etc. Umpteen of times our security forces have been a prey to this dirty strategy of “blame jehad”. We saw a recent glaring example in Shopian case.
But the more unfortunate part of this entire bloody war is that knowing fully well the larger war called jehad our security forces and other investigating agencies feel helpless while handling the attackers. This is only due to the political parties who, in the process of wooing Muslim votes, bend so much backwards that the jehadis exploit the entire democratic system to further attack and then get away with it. Ruling political party’s key man visiting Azamgarh is the most disgusting example of this vote-bank beggar mentality.
Another strange argument is made-perhaps prompted by the Islamic PR machine-that is because the youth in Bharat is unemployed, Muslims in Bharat are poor and therefore they turn to such destructing ways. Oh! How so poor they are! There is nothing more ridiculous than this argument. From stock market jehad to jungle fire jehad and from Love Jehad to bomb jehad-the world has seen it all-Bharat has seen it all and yet if vote-crazy parties are slapping this baseless argument on the face of the Bharat’s wise people then these parties are in for a rude shock. People in Bharat know it all. They know that these jehadis attack Bharat not because these jehadis are poor or unemployed, but because they have chosen Bharat as a target for an all-out war. That’s the reason even Pak’s PM dares to say, “If only six people from Pak can take entire Mumbai hostage then imagine what will happen if our full army attacks Hindustan!”
Where does a mustard-sized nation get such courage to slam Bharat? US? UK? Any other nation? May be or may not be. But this little Pak gets this strength partly because all Muslim nations stand united with any aggression on any non-Islamic nation. Funding, training, providing weapons and hi-tech systems for any type of jehad is their duty and they do it. The questions is: Do our governments do their own duty to truly understand who is the real enemy and fight that enymy with a complete will? No. Our governments do not. Why? As sad as it may sound but only for votes they put our nation at the greatest risk. Letting the attackers use and misuse our democratic system and over and above that glorifying them for that is not tragic for Bharat anymore. It is angering the people of Bharat who can see through all types of dirty politics. If they think that by siding with them and terming every encounter fake, jehadis would spare them in their final attack, then our political parties are living in a fool’s paradise. History proves otherwise. Take the side of truth, protect the nation now with the fullest strength and that’s the only way. All common people in Bharat know that no Pakistan can attack Bharat without local support and most also feel the growing presence of such large pockets of mini-Pakistans in Bharat.
The second work on war-footing our political parties must do is to destroy such mini-Pakistans in Bharat by first opening J&K for all to stay and make properties. Then by obliterating the safe havens that help the attackers find shelter and other support. This may sound extreme but ask our security forces and police. They would say this is not enough. True. Political parties and media must stop giving such jehadi attackers any sympathy through intellectual and actual support. Not elections, but nation’s safety must be their goal.
Hindus in Bharat have been made chosen targets by jehad and if our governments have no political will to protect Bharat, then Bharat knows how to protect Bharat! For ages Hindus have survived and emerged stronger. Even after losing so much of ancient territory to jehadis, Hindus are strong in Bharat. All they need is the strongest political will. Bharat knows how to handle all those who treat Bharat as a chosen target. Let’s all together chalk out a strategy and democratic action plan for this. As a beginning, let’s work towards creating a stronger political will for this.
(The author is a renowned cancer surgeon and secretary general of VHP. He can be contacted at[email protected])