According to the report, the use of public education as a means of national and social indoctrination for political ends has created deep social problems and encouraged the development of violent polity. But the most damaging statement made by the authors of the report calls for special attention. It says: ?For orthodox Islamists, non-Muslims in an Islamic society that is governed by Islamic laws are dhimmis, liable to the levied protection money, jazia, absolved of any military duty, jehad, and doomed to live in an environment of limited rights.
Within this belief system, therefore, equal national identity can be denied to religious minorities in Pakistan. The educational process in the form of curricula and textbooks re-inforces this denial. ?What kind of people can one expect to see grow, who, as children are brought up under a system of education that promotes hatred and insensitivity towards others?
Is it any wonder, then, that Pakistan'sInter Services Intelligence (ISI) can so easily recruit people like that monster jehadist Kasab or his nine other colleagues who got killed during their jehadi mission in Mumbai, to go out on a suicide mission, the sole object of which was to kill innocent people? And against this context one begins to wonder what sort of education is being given to Muslim children in madrassas right here in India to provide to the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) the inspiration to focus on its jehadi agenda. It is time for the government to make an inquiry into what is being taught in these religious schools to create fanatics ready and willing to die for their religion.