Insight A Marxist leader evaluates his ideology?VI Why communism failed?

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(This article is based on the book written by Marxist leader P. Kesavan Nair. He is frustrated with Marxism and his expose has become a bestseller in Malayalam.) The consequent history certified the warning of Hubert. The world environmental institutions strengthened during the end of the last century. The developmental models of capitalism and communism are more dangerous. In 1972, The Limitation of Growth, a study, was published by a group called the Club of Rome. The potentates of developed and communist countries ignored it. The first international Congress to discuss about the severe world environmental issues held in 1972 at Stockholm. The developed capitalist countries and the communist countries did not heed on to the numerous decisions taken by the Congress to protect the world environment. The international environmental conference held at Nairobi in 1982 found the environmental destruction is unprecedently precarious. Conference dispersed after taking some better decisions. The atrocities over natural resources by the capitalist and communist countries continued in multitudes. The mainstream scientists also were forced to accept that the global warming, climate changes and the creek on ozone layer are real phenomena. They were also forced to accept the fact that if we exploit the natural resources in such a greed, the growth has its own limitations. Thus in 1992 at Rio the World Earth Summit held. For the world environmental protection the contribution of developed capitalist countries was scanty. In 2002 at Johannesburg, the Sustainable Development Summit held. All those conferences decreed out that the animation of this race of non-animals would be endangered unless the world environmental issues are settled.

The population explosion is another major issue confronted by this world today. Population growth causes the emaciation. Population cannot be controlled by continuous economic development. The present population growth is 1.9 per cent per annum. During every 40 years population doubles. The present population is 600 crore. In 2045 it will be 1200 and in 2085 it will be 2,400 and with 2600 crore people we should stand shoulder-to-shoulder. Though the risk in population growth has already obvious to the globe, opinion of mode of reduction of the population growth rate to zero is in variance. For the population growth biological, sociological, economical, psychological reasons are there. The best method to control population increase is to increase the goodness of life. The present population increase is uncontrolled and imbalanced. The unlimited population increase is taken place in the developing and underdeveloped countries. The social backwardness resulted due to the centuries-long colonial exploitation is the reason of population increase in those countries. Even today these countries are undergoing the economical exploitation of developed countries. Their poverty, starvation and environmental degradation can be removed only by nailing down their social injustice. But the profit-voracious developed capitalist countries and their multinational-monopolists are against it. The Marxist economists have a negative approach to population increase. Theoretically the communists are against the population theory of Malthus. Population growth can be meted out by increase in production, they believed.

The economy which overwhelmingly depending on energy and natural resources is capital oriented. That is not manpower oriented. Capital is tricked form the exploitation of natural resources. By diminution of natural resources the cradle of the capital also ebbed. By escalation of mechanisation of capital oriented industries, employment opportunities petered out. Capital replaces labour-force. Energy-natural resources oriented economy is an inflated one. That did not produce wealth in long term. It is environmentally and socially harmful. One example to it is the capital-oriented agriculture. Capital-oriented agriculture is mechanised. It has more energy consumption. For intensification of agricultural production chemicals and pesticides are topped up. Temporarily this type of agriculture gives more production. But this destroys the diversity and fertility of the earth. The share of labour decreases. The chemicals in the fertilizers and pesticides ultimately turn up in our body. Eventually the agriculture itself diminishes.

The capitalism and communism are brash on the unending possibilities of science and technology. The ingestion of them in both the systems is frantic. They advocate solutions to the political economical and environmental issues through technical knowledge. The rulers are certain that nuclear technology is for energy crisis, missiles and nuclear bombs for the disputes between countries and special technologies for environmental issues. These technical solutions jeopardize global and local ecosystems. Those who are overexcited on this technologies dream that if the ecosystem on earth is destroyed they can dwell on the other planets due to over-enthusiasm towards technologies and science. It is considered to be the remedy for all. The influence of the western classical philosophy, professing that the scientific theories are nothing but true, is the reason behind it.

By 20th century, the capitalism transformed into imperialism. The past history of capitalism is the history of wars. There is no proper statistics for the slayings and wars done by imperialist forces to capture markets and fleece natural resources. Only in Second World War alone 50 million people were killed and another 50 million become handicapped. The Iraq and Afghan wars were for petrol. Imperialism is the pest of world environmental destruction, poverty and other social evils. It imperils the economic security, food security, health security individual personality development and environmental security, social-cultural security and political security in all over the world. It obliterates the individual culture of all the countries of the world. The lone consumption-culture of capitalism, defected the world. The Soviet communism, which came in the place of capitalism was nothing but a state-capitalism.

(Translated by Jayapradeep Viswanath)

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