I was impressed by the new column ?A Matter of Economics?. I am not an economist at all. In the column the writer has taken a topic very late to the farming, though I do not have farms. Sheerly by luck I came in contact with Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra, Deolapar, Nagpur. This is a Vanvasi village, 65 km from Nagpur on Nagpur-Jabalpur Highway. It is a project fulfilling the dream of Shri Guruji put in shape by the late Moropant Pingle. It is a project of Vishwa Hindu Parishad. There are about 450 cows in the centre reared as per Hindu Shastras. Very few are milch cows. Most are old. Yet expenses per animal per month are Rs. 500. Income is from go mootra (cow urine) and go maya (cow dung). They are making at least five types of manures from dung and pesticides from urine.
Let us not forget that the so-called Green Revolution has been a disaster for Bharat. Chemical pesticides and fertilizers have ruined the fertility of our soil and also helped create epidemic-like situations in creating various types of cancer, diabetes, chronic heart diseases and others. There are scientific papers available about it.
Moreover use of tractors adds to the agony. It digs the soil deep. Pesticides on top form a crust and so rain water does not get absorbed as well as it ought to do. It is one of the major reasons of soil water level going down.
Madhya Pradesh government held a three-day conference on August 17, 2007 in Bhopal. I attended it. A very influential person gave the information that pesticides manufacturing lobby is worth 44,000 crore. It can and does influence any GoI. A few days earlier there was an article on the front page of Sunday Express giving the name of a Hindu manufacturer who has floated 4-5 NGOs to defame Sushri Sunita Narayana for her stand against pesticides in Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola. I was annoyed with Sunitaji because she just included Coca and Pepsi. What about food we have to eat? I have never ever sought these Colas but I do have to eat. People react differently to these poisions depending on individual'sbody construction.
To come to the point, let us encourage farmers to use go mootra and go maya of Bharatiya cow family. Fertility of the soil will be reestablished; crops will be abundant, tasteful and healthy and farmers will no longer need to commit suicide. Cows should not be crossbred.
Would you believe USA encourages its farmers not to use pesticides but exports them to us? Would I be rude if I call USA the biggest robber in the world? ?Our? Indian thinking brethren settled there should do something about it. At least that is what I feel. In the UK Prince Charles is the patron of natural farming. There are ?health shops? where you can buy foodstuffs produced in a healthy way. Just by the way only recently we asked the UK government to ban McDonalds in the UK if it would. And here we are crazy about McDonalds.
Only few days ago there was an article on Deolapar in a Marathi daily?Tarun Bharat. I am attached to this centre to study the effect of Panch Gavya drugs on cancer. I have completed four years at the end of 2007. I will write a detailed article on it as soon as I fully recover from my right eye operations.
The writer has beautifully summed up this article: ?But is there a conspiracy against Indian agriculture?? Yes there is our ex-IMF employees holding high posts in the Government of India and ministries are acting like their agents. After all are not IMF and World Bank illegitimate children of the USA? Organiser has published an open letter by Shri Namit Verma, which supports my view. As Dr Kunal Ghosh, in his article writes: ?Orthodox majority non-Communist and secular Russia is natural and reliable ally of Hindu-majority non-Communist and secular India.?
Those interested in this type of farming are very welcome to visit Deolapar. They can contact Shri Sunil Mansinhka at 0712-2772273 or 2734182 or his mobile 0-9422101324. Shri Dattopant Thengadi once made a very remarkable comment: ?As per our ancient civilisation we do not expect government to do everything. Its job is to look after security?internal as well as external and to lay down artha neeti. Rest of the problems the society used to solve.? So let us forget Government of India and revolutionise farming. I am sure we will succeed.