Rashtriya Sikh Sangat is now available on internet. Its website was inaugurated by noted economist and Kshetra Sanghachalak of Uttara Kshetra, Dr Bajranglal Gupt, in New Delhi on January 31. Shri Chandan Mitra, editor of the Pioneer, presided over the function. The website is-www.sangatsansar.com.
The website, which is available in three languages?Punjabi, Hindi and English?provides information on the history of Sikh Gurus, Sikhism and information about various gurudwaras. Kshetra Pracharak Shri Dinesh Chandra, former CBI Director Shri Joginder Singh, Shri Avinash Jaiswal of Sikh Sangat, Dr Kuldip Agnihotri of Hindusthan Samachar, founder of Sikh Sangat Sardar Chiranjiv Singh, president of the Sikh Sangat Sardar Gurcharan Singh Gill, Baba Baldev Singh (Tarna Dal), Sardar Babu Singh Dukhia (Banjara society), Baba Arjun Singh and Baba Rachhpal Singh were also present on the occasion. Presiding over the function Shri Chandan Mitra read out a Bangla poem of Gurudev Ravindranath Tagore. Sardar Jot Singh Anand has played a key role in preparing the site.