Acharya Bhardwaj had a hermitage in the holy city of Prayag and was an ardent apostle of Ayurveda and mechanical sciences. He authored the Yantra Sarvasva which includes astonishing and outstanding discoveries in aviation science, space science and flying machines. He has described three categories of flying machines: (1) One that flies on earth from one place to another. (2) One that travels from one planet to another. (3) And one that travels from one universe to another. His designs and descriptions have impressed and amazed aviation engineers of today. His brilliance in aviation technology is further reflected through techniques described by him:
1) Profound Secret: The technique to make a flying machine invisible through the application of sunlight and wind force.
2) Living Secret: The technique to make an invisible space machine visible through the application of electrical force.
3) Secret of Eavesdropping: The technique to listen to a conversation in another plane.
4) Visual Secrets: The technique to see what'shappening inside another plane. Through his innovative and brilliant discoveries, Acharya Bhardwaj has been recognised as the pioneer of aviation technology.
Acharya Kapil (3000 BCE) Father of cosmology
Celebrated as the founder of Sankhya philosophy, Acharya Kapil is believed to have been born in 3000 BCE to the illustrious sage Kardam and Devhuti. He gifted the world with the Sankhya School of Thought. His pioneering work threw light on the nature and principles of the ultimate soul (purusha), primal matter (prakruti) and creation. His concept of transformation of energy and profound commentaries on atma, non-atma and the subtle elements of the cosmos places him in an elite class of master achievers?incomparable to the discoveries of other cosmologists. On his assertion that prakruti, with the inspiration of purusha, is the mother of cosmic creation and all energies, he contributed a new chapter in the science of cosmology. Because of his extrasensory observations and revelations on the secrets of creation, he is recognised and saluted as the Father of Cosmology.