IS it not true that pieces of wood are still being sold in Jerusalem at fabulous prices claiming that they are from the Cross on which Jesus was crucified?
If God made Adam in his own image, God must look like a man with eyes, nose, ears, mouth, genitals, etc. If that is true, how can God be omnipresent?
God told Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, warning him of death. But even after eating the fruit, Adam and Eve lived for centuries. Was God telling a lie?
If God is in the knowledge of everything, he should have known the mind of the snake too. Why didn'tGod warn Eve of the snake? And how can Adam and Eve be guilty when it was in God'spower to prevent the snake from carrying out its plans? In any case, how is the innocent mankind responsible for the ?sin? of Adam and Eve? How are woman?even those who are yet to be born?responsible for what Eve did? In any case, how can the blood of one wash the sins of the rest of mankind?
Can an ark of 300 ft length, 50 ft width and 30 ft height accommodate a male-female pair of all animals, birds and reptiles? If not, was not God lying?
How can one explain the tomb of Adam in Jerusalem? And how can it be an exact replica of the tomb of Jesus? Where is the tomb of Eve?
How is one to explain the similarities in the stories of Jesus, Krishna and Buddha? As Buddha was born 600 years before Jesus, and his story was already familiar, it could have been copied.
How is it that Jesus and his disciples speak the language of parables like the Buddha and his disciples? Is it not true that Buddhist missionaries of Ashoka were already established in the Middle East and the Mediterranean regions some three hundred years before Jesus was born?
How is it that there is no explanation for the whereabouts of Jesus between the age of 12 and 30? Isn'tit amazing that the hundred-thousand or so biographies on Jesus do not carry this information! Is it that the church wants to conceal this fact because Jesus was with the Essene (Buddhists) sect during this period?
How is it that the church has sidelined the main messages of Jesus? For example, non-violence. But the church has been behind many of the violent episodes in Christian history. Then, again, Jesus exhorted Christians to love their neighbours. And yet Europeans are notorious for their racist views even today? How can one explain the various differences in the Gospels if they are all written by the disciples of Jesus?
It is said St. Paul had not seen Jesus. And yet his views on Jesus have been given the most authoritative status? The Gospels were completed only in the 4th c AD. If so, how can they be authentic? It is claimed that Mary'svirginity was unique? How? Maya, mother of the Buddha, also gave birth when she was a virgin. There were a number of virgin stories before Virgin Mary. Is not the worship of Mary a copy of the Devi cult?
How can the church claim that baptism, communion and other rituals of the church are original? We know now that they were borrowed. Is not the rosary Buddhist in origin? Did not Jesus wear an orange coloured cloak? Is not Christian asceticism a copy of Jain asceticism? Is not the concept of Trinity a Hindu origin? Was Jesus a historical figure? Is not a religion possible without a founder? There is Saivism and Hinduism, for instance. Both had no historical founders.
Is not the church orgainesed on the pattern of the Buddhist Sangha? Did not Constantine, the Roman emperor, use inducements and force to convert the slaves of Rome into Christianity? Did he not threaten death for apostasy? Is it not a fact that mass conversions were carried out under force of threat?
Indian heroes are generally modelled on Indra, the chief of the Hindus pantheon. Thus Rama, Krishna, Buddha and others were modelled on Indra. Is it not possible that the Essene had copied the life of the Buddha when they wanted to give shape to the messiah (Jesus)?
One of the most dramatic episodes of the Bible story is the walk of Jesus from the palace of Pilate to the hill at Calvary bearing the Cross. And yet the distance is only one kilometre and the ?hill? is no more than 15 feet high!