Sri Joe James, a Vidya Bharati school student in Kerala has toped the state medical entrance examination and also achieved 26th rank in the All India Medical Entrance Examination this year. Joe is the student of Veda Vyasa Vidyalayam, Malaparamba, Kozhikode. The school also achieved cent per cent result in the AISSE and AISSCE. The son of James Jose, Head of Neurology Department in Kozhikode Medical College, Joe aspires to be a neurosurgeon. Began in 1990 the Veda Vyasa Vidyalayam today is a senior secondary school with 1,600 students and 72 staff members on roll. The school is run by Bharatiya Vidya Nikatan, the Kerala chapter of Vidya Bharati. One of the most memorable events in the annals of the school is the visit of President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on September 25, 2003. In the year 2005, M. Meera, a student of the school had topped the list of the top scores of the Malabar Sahodaya Region CBSE schools by scoring an aggregate of 96 per cent in the AISSE. In 2006, Manju of the Commerce batch was acclaimed for her laudable performance in the AISSCE. Manju'sachievement is especially creditable as she was a dyslexic student who took the exams by the help of a scribe. (FOC)