As per Mahabharata, ?Dharma eva hato hanti/ Dharmo rakshati rakshitah? (One who destroys Dharma is destroyed by Dharma/ One who protects Dharma is protected by Dharma). For thousands of years, Hindus protected Dharma, and Dharma in turn protected them. But now most Hindus have forsaken their Dharma. And Dharma too has forsaken them. Though as per Arnold Toynbee, ?Civilizations die from suicide, not murder?, a unilateral war against Hinduism is being waged by anti-Hindu forces to wipe out Hinduism from earth the way other native cultures and religions have been obliterated from the world.
Losses so far
Bharat Varsha including the present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and even Zabol in Iran was Hindu land till Muslims attacked Sindh in 8th century. Hindus lost Afghanistan to Muslims in 987 in a fiercely fought battle. After many centuries, Muslims got Pakistan in 1947. In 1971, East Pakistan became Bangladesh. And in independent India, Hindus have undergone genocide and eviction from Kashmir to become refugees in their own country. Besides, Pak-Bangla combine wants to create one more Islamic country on Indian soil for which it has sent countless terrorists, Pakistanis and crores of Bangladeshis into India; and has planted numerous Madrassas on India'sborder with Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. If Pakistan and Bangladesh want to Islamise India, missionaries want to Christianise India. On November 7, 1999 in New Delhi, Pope John Paul II gave a call to convert Asia to Christianity as follows:- ?Just as the first millennium saw the Cross firmly planted in the soil of Europe, and the second in that of America and Africa, so may the Third Christian Millennium witness a great harvest of faith on this vast and vital continent.? Hindus in India and Nepal are favourite targets for this ?harvest of faith? where missionaries are converting poorer Hindus to Christianity under pretence of charitable social service. With each passing day, India is being made more Islamic and more Christian; and less Hindu. And in 2006, Maoists, missionaries and Pakistan'sISI have divested Nepal of its Hindu identity. It is tragic that though there are 57 Muslim countries and scores of Christian countries in the world, one billion strong Hindu community has not cared to maintain the Hindu character of Nepal, the sole Hindu nation in the world.
Macaulayan education
As per George Orwell (1903-1950), ?The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.? Introduced in India in 1835 by Lord Macaulay (1800-1859) Macaulayan education had no place for Sanskrit, Hindu scriptures, Hindu heritage and Hindu history, and was devised to de-Hinduise Hindus as Macaulay'sfollowing letter dated October 12, 1836 to his evangelist father shows: ?Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully?. The effect of this education on Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who has received an English education ever remains sincerely attached to his religion. It is my firm belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respected classes 30 years hence. And this will be effected without our efforts to proselytise; I heartily rejoice in the prospect.? Shockingly, even after independence in 1947, India has been following Macaulayan education. De-Hinduised by Macaulayan education, most Hindu intellectuals, journalists, MBA professionals, business persons, doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers and the rest know nothing about Hindu religion, heritage and history; and do not know any Mantra of Vedas or any Shloka of Ramayana, Mahabharata or Tirukkural. As a result, most Hindus are self- alienated and indifferent to attacks being made on Hinduism.
Sarva Dharma sambhav
The most dangerous falsity being propagated by many Hindu religious leaders is that all religions are the same (sarva Dharma sambhav). This declaration betrays ignorance about Hinduism, and also about other religions. This falsehood strengthens anti-Hindus, and facilitates fraudulent conversion of Hindus. Those claiming all religions to be the same are either ignorant or hypocrites. Besides, unilateral Hindu slogans like vasudhaiv kutumbakam (entire world is one family) and ekam sat viprah bahudha vadanti (?truth? is one but has many names) also suppress danger from anti-Hindu forces which are bent upon finishing Hinduism. As a result, de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education and ignorant of Hindu religion, Hindu heritage and Hindu scriptures, many Hindus are proclaiming that they have equal respect for all religions, and are being converted and married to Non-Hindus.
Way out
But even now Hinduism can be saved. And it will be saved. Since this world believes in ?survival of the fittest?, those who behave like sheep are devoured by wolves. In any democracy, media is the most potent weapon of attack and shield of defence. In India, most of print and electronic media is controlled by anti-Hindu forces. Most of this media is denigrating Hinduism, spreading misinformation about Hindu scriptures, and hurting Hindu sentiments. Besides, though Hinduism is based on Vedas which stipulate a casteless society, anti-Hindu media is dividing Hindu society on the basis of caste. Genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir are no news whereas Gujarat riots which started after Hindu rail passengers were torched at Godhra are always in the news. Infiltration of crores of Pak-Bangla nationals threatening to create one more Islamic country on Indian soil finds no space in media. Similarly, conversion of poorer Hindus to Christianity by fraud, inducement and coercion creates no ripples in media.
It is deplorable that though there are many country-wide newspapers and television channels promoting anti-Hinduism and fake secularism, there is no all-India pro-Hindu daily news paper, or television channel projecting Hindu concerns. Surprisingly, no Hindu organization has given this subject the importance it deserves. De-Hinduised by Macaulayan education and brain-washed by anti-Hindu media, most Hindus know nothing about Hindu religion, scriptures, heritage and history, and therefore, are passive to attacks on Hinduism. In this dismal situation, only pro-Hindu mass media can educate Hindus about Hindu religion, heritage and history; liberate them from conceptual confusion and fake secularism, and make them pro-active to save Hinduism from demolition. Since all the problems facing Hindu society can be solved with the help of pro-Hindu media, all organisations and individuals must help to create the all-India pro-Hindu daily news papers and television channels at the earliest. This is the only way to save Hinduism.
Dharmo Rakshiti Rakshitah
Hindus have forgotten the message: ?Dharmo Rakshiti Rakshitah? (One who protects Dharma is protected by Dharma). Though as per Hinduism, Dharma (righteousness), Artha (material possessions), Kama (worldly desires) and Moksha (liberation from re-birth) constitute four purusharthas (human pursuits), most Hindus have forgotten their Dharma, their foremost duty. Hindus must defend their Dharma; and live with dignity, and without being discriminated against. Hindus have a glorious heritage of thousands of years which they must cherish and preserve. Hindus have fought repeated onslaughts, and preserved Hinduism over the centuries whereas all other native religions and civilizations have been wiped off from the earth by expansionist religions. Every Hindu family must devote time and resources to protect Hinduism. Many Hindus feel that since Hinduism has survived for thousands of years, it will continue to flourish for ever. But they overlook the worst ever attacks threatening Hinduism now. They also ignore the fact that Hinduism has been banished from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh which also used to be Hindu lands. Hindus must remember that only a combination of wisdom and valour will ensure survival of Hinduism as Bhagvad Gita'slast Shloka declares, ?Yatra yogeshwarah Krishno yatra Paartho dhanurdharah, / tatra shreervijayo bhootirdhruvaa neetir matirmama? (Where Krishna, the Lord of yoga, and Arjuna, the wielder of bow are there; prosperity, victory, success, and glory will follow).
(Author is former Chief Commissioner of Income Tax. His e-mail address is: [email protected])