Writes to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh. Following is the text of the letter
Most respected Prime Minister,
I write this letter a little too late but its importance and the gravity of the consequences involved persuade me to think that I should address you better late than never. The subject must have already been within your attention and is known as Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project. If the enclosed paper states the facts with scientific objectivity and national anxiety, my appeal to you is to stop building any bridge or other construction, an action hostile to the nation and its swaraj. Our nation will be weaker and may suffer new dangers with Ameircan presence in the Sethusamudram waters by doing what for centuries has never been considered necessary or feasible or in any manner advantageous to us, the people of India. In the name of India, i.e. Bharat, and appealing to your patriotic statesmanship I beseech you to reconsider the stand taken, if any already on this point. This is a matter of a political party business or popularity or pro-American yen. I hope you will give great thought as the Executive Head of India to the grave issue implied in the enclosed paper and with which the nation shall define its survival.
With high regards,
Yours sincerely,
(V.R. Krishna Iyer)