THE Government may examine viability of levying about 1 per cent tax on profits or as deemed better (to Generate a Coffer/SC-ST-OBC Welfare fund) on all profit earning business houses/enterprises, industries, including planners, manufacturers, dealers, agents, whole sellers and rich agriculturists (and rich/ creamy SC-ST-OBC), etc. Such a coffer be created at least for about 3 years in the beginning with equal or more contribution from the Government.
Government may then earmark really poor SC-ST-OBC living below the open sky (poverty line) by building (covered) barracks and providing Pucca apartments (less than LIG Level) to all Jhuggi-Dwellers with minimum human habitation facilities.
Continuing with a theme of real social justice for the children of these categories, the primary and High/Higher Secondary Education must be ensured with adequate number of good schools equipped with trained teachers and requisite infrastructure. Meanwhile the transport facilities in the form of buses (even luxury) etc. be arranged by also organising tutorials, tuitions and giving gifts and nutrient food to the children to prepare them for open competition with a self-confidence, rather than murdering merit by allowing ?reservations? as done dogmatically by politicians in the past/present, who should root-out the disease rather than treating the misdiagnosed symptoms through politically polluted antibiotics i.e. ?Reservations? with delayed and nationally damaging side effects (Human hatred, with human division, and destruction).
Better late than never. Even now the Government may put long over due horse before the cart by not tampering into the merits to protect/ preserve the decades old hard earned global standards on many fronts; recognised by the whole world, foe common good and peace with love harmony and respect/tolerance for each other.
Having seen/suffered torture and trauma of Partition, as member, as member (Lahore borne) of uprooted population from Pakistan and self built in India, I request/caution the Government not to repeat the history of blood bath/ hatred by resorting to lamentable luxury of caste card and vicious vote-bank motives, there by saluting to our larger national interest. Let Law be overhauled to subserve the society.
(The author is an advocate and can be contacted at WZ-2128, Rani Bagh, Delhi-110034.)