Condemning the terrorist attack at RSS headquarters in Nagpur in the strongest words, veteran VHP leader Acharya Giriraj Kishroe and general secretary Dr Pravin Togadia said people of the country would have to give a fitting reply to the terrorists. Talking to Organiser in New Delhi Acharya Giriraj Kishore said this attack has proved those people wrong who claim that the terrorists have no religion. He said the pseudo-secularists must answer why the Hindu organisations are being targeted. He alleged that Pakistan is behind the attack on RSS office and our government should discontinue diplomatic relations with Pakistan. He stressed the need to impart military training to people of the country for self-defence.
?The terrorists belonging to a particular religion are involved in the attack. Fortunately, following the intelligence reports the police were alert and they gunned down the attackers. This is not new. The RSS Chennai office had also been attacked a few years back. Nobody appears secure in the country and the morale of terrorist also appears high. No religious place of Hindus is secure. They are being targeted repeatedly killing innocent people and also the security personnel,? he said.