A report by Pramod Kumar
?The attack on Hindutva forces has increased today. The easiest way to abuse Hindus is to abuse the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Since its inceptions the RSS has been a target of certain destructive forces. But the history is witness that RSS has emerged stronger after every attack,? said Shri K.S. Sudarshan, Sarsangha-chalak of RSS. He was speaking at a function organised by Sadhna TV in New Delhi on April 20 at FICCI auditorium to celebrate its second anniversary. Acharya Sudhanshu Maharaj of Vishwa Jagriti Mission, Dr Bhupendra Kumar Modi, a noted industrialist, Acharya Giriraj Kishore, senior vice president of VHP and Swami Mahamantra Das of ISCKON were among the other prominent personalities present on the occasion.
Shri Sudarshan said that the RSS had earned respect from every section of the society. ?In 2002, we conducted a mass contact drive all over the country and we established contact in over 4,35,000 villages. But not a single person was seen opposing the RSS and everybody welcomed our workers,? he said, adding that the world powers had united against Hinduism. ?The Hindutva forces may seem weak from outside. But this is not the fact. During the Mahabharata the Pandavas were also considered weak before the war. But the outcome of the war is known to everybody,? he said, observing that the attack on Hindus may intensify in the coming four to five years, but that should not be a matter for worry. He called upon the Hindu youth to acquire power as only the powerful are respected in the world.
He said that the RSS through its shakhas had been trying to make the society stronger for the last 80 years. ?We have seen that during the last eight decades almost all the organisations or political parties faced a split but the RSS is still united. Today the RSS Swayamsevaks are guiding the society in every sphere of social life,? he added.
Commenting on the new Pope Benedict XVI, he said, ?He is the same person who while ignoring the unanimous outcome of the Millennium Peace Summit held in New York a few years back (in which religious leaders of all the religions had signed a document agreeing that there was one God and there were different ways to reach Him), released a separate 36-page document and strongly opposed the outcome of the summit. In fact this mentality is responsible for creating a conflict in the world.?
The Sarsanghachalak alleged that the US President, George W. Bush was indulging in propagation of Christianity on official expenses in India. ?First he tried to introduce a Bill in Congress. When he could not get success in his plan, he set up a separate cell in White House to fund the Christian activities in India and China. There are reports that Christian missionaries conducted a survey in India from 1991 to 2001 under the project ?Joshua-1 Project?. Joshua was one person who had gone to Israel to prepare the grounds for Christianity. Now a gigantic plan has been unfolded for Christianisation of India,? he added.
Addressing the packed FICCI auditorium, Acharya Sudhanshu Maharaj appealed to the media, especially the TV channels, not to create fear among the people and make the society weak by spreading superstitions. ?Instead of teaching superstitions, the new generation needs to be taught the glorious history and true patriotic stories of Bappa Rawal, Shivaji, Bajirao Peshwa, etc. Until we respect our history, we cannot get respect. The country does not need a culture that develops fear and misconception among the people,? he said, calling upon the people to reject the views that develop misconceptions and superstitions. What people need today is to become purusharthi and karmasheel. ?The person who changes his path on seeing a cat, cannot make progress in his life. Similarly, the family that allows the entry of a tantriks in their house or persons who develop misconceptions or fear, can never become happy,? he said, adding that the power of character can face any kind of weapon.
Dr B.K. Modi said that the whole world was looking at India for leadership and India should prepare itself for leading the world. Acharya Giriraj Kishore stressed the need to propagate Indian values abroad through TV channels. Swami Mahamantra Das of ISCKON appreciated the efforts of Sadhna channel for bringing the leading saints of the country before the common man.