For years and decades our people have spoken on the ills of Hindu society. Every society has its own share of ills, there is no doubt about that. Hindus have always recognised the flaws within their society and taken steps to correct that. Sati, dowry, and caste discrimination are banned in India by the law and there exist many Hindu organisations actively involved in eradicating these ills from the Hindu samaj. But now it is high time that we should introspect and contemplate on some of the beautiful and unique aspects of being a Hindu. We need to know the importance of the heritage we have inherited from our ancestors, and instill some pride in ourselves.
As Swami Vivekananda once warned, ?When a man starts feeling ashamed of his ancestors, the end has come.?
Hindu, the Ancient
Being born a Hindu means being the inheritor of the oldest living culture in the world today. It also means being a descendant of the oldest living civilisation which is also known as the cradle of human civilisation. The Vedas, which form the core of the Hindu scriptures, are the oldest texts in the library of man. The language in which the Vedas have been revealed?Sanskrit, is considered as the mother of all European languages. It is also considered to be the best suited language for computers. (To be continued)