Recently Vice President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat released a book on coalition politics based on views of former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee at a function where regional, national and international media was present to cover the event. But what was astonishing was the absence of Doordarshan News on the occasion. Former President R. Venkataraman, Opposition leader L.K. Advani, Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, Haryana Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala, SP MP Amar Singh and other eminent dignitaries were present on the occasion. This was not the only instance; there have been many occasions when our official media is conspicuously absent. But Doordarshan News never forgets to provide live coverage to daily Congress briefings. Even Doordarshan team gives good coverage to Rahul Gandhi, particularly when he visits Amethi. When Opposition leader L.K. Advani courted arrest in Karnataka, even then DD News did not find it worthwhile to give it a coverage. But on the ocassion of the 60th birthday of the late Rajiv Gandhi on August 20 this year, there were six news-items pertaining to birthday celebrations in a single news bulletin of 30 minutes.
Congress publicity managers
The UPA government is not only famous for accommoda-ting the tainted ministers but also is an expert in promoting the tainted officers in the administration. The UPA government has recently appointed the Director of Doordarshan News who is under the scanner of CBI. It is said that the officer, before being appointed as Director, had earned a bad name in Doordarshan. There are three other officers in the Doordarshan News who are constantly busy in giving good coverage to the Congress Party. Sources revealed that while sitting in the Doordarshan News, the three officers are prone to surfing pornographic websites. Two of them have been transferred recently and the third, who happens to be a Christian, is Number Two in surfing the pornographic sites on ‘nic net’. Chanakya feels that the Congress instead of thinking of removing the persons associated with the RSS from the administration, should first of all remove the tainted officers who, instead of doing their job, are more engaged in satisfying a particular political party.
Demographic danger
The Census 2001 released by the government is sending alarm signals to the country with the rising number Muslims. Political parties have described it as a national problem and opined that the census data should not be politicised. The high fertility rate is a cause of worry for the Muslims themselves too. But it is astonishing to know the reactions of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB), which is not prepared to accept the findings of the Census report. The Board says that the Census data are targeted at Muslims and aimed at creating a divide between the different communities who are living in peace and harmony. Muslim leader Shahabuddin himself has criticised the politicisation of the data. But why is the AIMPLB not ready to accept it? A continuous fall in the population of Hindus since 1961 and a corresponding rise in the population of Muslims is a cause for concern for every individual in India.