A blood bank, named after the RSS second Sarsanghchalak, M.S. Golwalkar popularly known as Shri Guruji, was recently set up in Jaipur. The blood bank will be operated from Jaipur Sangh Karyalaya at Bharati Bhavan. Founded by Shri Madhukar Smriti Nyas, the blood for the bank will be stored at the Health Welfare Blood Bank. Those who need blood can obtain it by contacting the RSS Bharati Bhavan office.
Sah-Prant Pracharak Shri Ajay Parik |
Formally inaugurating the blood bank, Shri Shankar Lal, Kshetriya Pracharak said, ?The RSS has been in the forefront in providing relief during natural calamities and it would continue to discharge such duties to the society and countrymen. The blood bank has been opened in order to sustain the feeling of service among the Swayamsevaks even under ordinary circumstances,? he said. Apart from Shri Moolchand Soni, Prant Pracharak, Shri Ajay Parik, Sah-Prant Pracharak and Shri Anil Kant, Mahanagar Pracharak, a number of Swayamsevaks and distinguished persons were present on the occasion. Pracharaks of the Bharati Bhavan Sangh Karyalaya and other Swayamsevaks belonging to Mahavir Nagar and Malviya Nagar donated blood to the bank. The Sangh Swayamsevaks will be donating blood for the bank every month.