Sangh Shiksha Varg in Uttaranchal
Make India stronger by spreading Hindutva ideology?K.S. Sudarshan
By Ravindra Saini
Sarsanghchalk Sri K.S.Sudarshan speaking at the concluding |
?Hindu society has a strong and cultured ideology. We have to make India stronger by spreading the Hindutva ideology in the whole world because only a strong nation is worshipped in the world,? said Shri K.S. Sudarshan, Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). He was speaking at the concluding ceremony of Uttaranchal Prant Sangh Siksha Varg held at Rudrapur in Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttaranchal. There were 356 Swayamsevaks in the first-year Varg and 95 Swayamsevaks in the second-year Varg.
The Sarsanghchalak urged the countrymen that whenever there is any danger to integration of the nation, we should think of the nation only, forgetting our own personal differences.
He said that RSS was in the news today. ?The press is rife with news and views about RSS. People discuss it in buses and trains. Politicians expound upon its political impact. Religious leaders of every hue and colour are drawn to it. Workers in social and educational fields look to it for support and guidance. Labour too is increasingly feeling its impact. In the student field, it commands the most dominant voice. All the fields including journalism, literature, rural uplift, social reform are receiving its warmth and light. At the same time, activists fired with missionary zeal are swelling its ranks. One-time critics are turning into its admirers. More and more eminent persons in every field view it as the future hope of the nation. Its workers are looked upon as men of trust and confidence, calibre and character. The country has recognised it as the most potent force in shaping the future of this country. Various RSS associated organisations like ABVP, Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram, VHP, Vidya Bharati, BMS are serving different sections of the society in different fields,? he added.