By Prof. Raj Kumar Bhatia
IT IS a matter of great satisfaction that yet another general election to the Lok Sabha of the country has concluded successfully recently. The individuals or parties may have lost or won but democracy has definitely emerged as the winner. The proposition may not be easily accepted and may sound hollow when it is weighed in the backdrop of general cynicism towards political parties along with witnessing of ugly faces of the electoral process at the time of elections and limited participation of people in actual voting. Such things prompt many people to raise serious doubts about the legitimacy of elections and desirability of democracy. That is why holding and conclusion of an election becomes an achievement in itself for those who have strong faith in democracy. Without delving much into the subject, it would not be unfair to assert that a dispassionate analysis of the whole affair is bound to lead a thinking citizen to the conclusion that a vast country like ours with all sorts of diversities cannot think of living without democracy. So whatever the fate of individuals or parties, the democracy must win.
One can still go further and claim that democracy is proving its worth to the coutnry. A full essay can be written to prove the point but one fresh example should be more than sufficient. The episode of Smt Sonia Gandhi first staking a claim to the Prime Minister'spost and then withdrawing the same will go down in history as a democratic miracle. It was nothing else but effectiveness and vibrancy of a democracy at its zenith. The significance of the episode may take time to be realised but the example is a major milestone in the march of democracy. Though full facts about what compelled Smt Gandhi to withdraw the claim may or may not come in public knowledge, yet it can be forcefully said that the instant and strong voices raised against her efforts to occupy the highest executive post of the country contributed in no small measure in creating an atmosphere of disgust against her attempts and in putting considerable pressure on her. The country was thus saved, courtesy democracy, from experiencing the most embarrassing and humiliating event of seeing a person of foreign origin sitting on the post.
Even though Smt. Gandhi has been stalled from becoming the first person of foreign origin to reach a top executive post of the country, the law to that effect is yet to be enacted. We will witness that being accomplished sooner or later.
But democracy has yet to achieve several goals. Two tasks of utmost improtance and few others of no less significance are yet to be completed. Democracy will prove its worth in fulfilment of these tasks also, one is sure.
Even though Smt Gandhi has been stalled from becoming the first person of foreign origin to reach a top executive post of the country, the law to that effect is yet to be enacted. We will witness that being accomplished sooner or later.
The coutnry feels equally disgusted over the perversion of democracy being witnessed in the form of the efforts being made to legitimise dynastic politics in the country. The cry for the induction of Priyanka and Rahul Gandhi in the country'spolitics and subsequent praises showered on them after their entry into the same highlight the perversion in full measure. Dynastic politics is an anathema to democracy. That a country of over hundred crores and a democracy of over fifty years? standing should be considered beholden to one family for providing rulers to it is a matter of national shame. But one can rest assured that the country would show the door to the family as it has shown to its head.
Of the other important tasks to be accomplished, the foremost one is that of divesting the politics from the malaise of individuals-centric parties. The country is experiencing the phenomenon at different levels. A healthy democracy can ill afford this feature. That several political parties have become like sole properitorship firms of certain political satraps is a matter of serious concern. The malaise will have to be cured.
The cry for the induction of Priyanka and Rahul Gandhi in the country'spolitics and subsequent praises showered on them after their entry into the same highlight the perversion.
Freeing the politics from the evil influences of money, muscle, caste and religion, etc. are the other objectives that the democracy of this coutnry has to achieve. A voter casting his vote with full application of his mind and without the influence of narrow considerations is what a healthy democracy requires. India'sdemocracy has been one of its type in the world which is yet to reach a reasonable level of maturity. No democracy in the world is hundred per cent ideal. Not even of those countries which are considered strongholds of democracy. As is the considered view of most of the rational thinkers in today'sworld, democracy is the best amongst all the systems. So strengthening democracy and ridding it from shortcomings becomes the duty of every concerned citizen. Long live democracy!!
(Shri Bhatia is a senior leader of Vidyarthi Parishad and teaches in Delhi University.)