Seemingly BJP has many vikaspurush. It is just not the Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee but there are sectoral vikaspurush as well. Ram Naik is the vikaspurush of Mumbai, Vinod Khanna of Gurdaspur and Yashwant Sinha has emerged as the vikaspurush in Hazari-bagh. The BJP agenda for a developed Bharat seemingly is catching the fancy of the voters. Sinha'sconstituency is unique for yet another reason. In his election campaign, instead of Hindu leaders, those of the Muslim community are visible clearly. His banners are both in Hindi and in Urdu. Sinha restarted the Muslim procession of Chehllum, which was stopped in 1988 due to communal problems. He is credited with lighting up the homes with electricity from Damodar Valley Corporation. No wonder he has emerged as the vikaspurush of every community. Sinha says that the Atal and vikas factors are the key issues in Jharkhand.