Under Mahatma Gandhi what glued the Congressmen was nationalism. In Nehru'stime it was secularism. Indira Gandhi brought ?the family.? Rajiv Gandhi offered impetuous idealism. Under Sonia Gandhi, it is religious affiliation.
Sonia Gandhi, Sam Pitroda, Ajit Jogi, Oscar Fernandes, Margaret Alva, V. George-in all, the handful of people who form the caucus of the new durbar-the common denominator is the C-word.
V. George, who had been removed some time ago following some investigation, is back and the AICC Gestapo, under Tom and Cherian, reports to him.
The Congressmen themselves are dismayed at the reinstating of Ajit Jogi who, less than three months ago, was suspended. He had attempted to bribe the newly-elected MLAs and allegedly misrepresented the party chief.
The return of V. George to his all-powerful chair in 10, Janpath has also been received with unease in the party. As such the real war-room of the party is reportedly in 90, Lodhi Estate, the residence of Mrs Vadra, where the C-factor is again at play. People in the know of Congress know what C-factor means in the new dispensation.