outhfolio Opportunities For Sportspersons Bringing Glory To Nation Ynt> Events in life and the changes they bring put us all under pressure from time to time. Our responses depend essentially on our mental and physical health, and generally on our previous experiences, coping abilities, lifestyles and social support systems. The fast pace of life puts stress on our bodies? natural reaction, affecting our mental and physical health. As the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports under the Government of India has realised this, it has taken many initiatives in recent times. These are directed not only at relieving mental and physical stress, but also at inculcating in the youth a sports and physical culture and help them channelise their energies into constructive activities. The Department has launched a scheme of National Welfare Fund so as to provide security to sportspersons and their families. This way, sportspersons are assured that the nation is concerned about their well-being. The scheme is applicable to sportspersons who take part in competitive sports at the national and international levels and try to achieve excellence and a high level of performance. An outstanding sportsperson is one who achieves a position within the first eight in individual or within four in team events in a national championship or who represents the country in an international sports competition like the Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, etc. Under the scheme, an outstanding sportsperson is provided assistance in cash or kind by way of medical assistance in case of disablement due to strenuous training or otherwise. The prime aim is to alleviate his and his dependents? distress in indigent cir-cumstances. Sportspersons who wish to avail of this facility may contact or write to: Member Secretary/Treasurer National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons Department of Youth Affairs & Sports Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
outhfolio Opportunities For Sportspersons Bringing Glory To Nation Ynt> Events in life and the changes they bring put us all under pressure from time to time. Our responses depend essentially on our mental and physical health, and generally on our previous experiences, coping abilities, lifestyles and social support systems. The fast pace of life puts stress on our bodies? natural reaction, affecting our mental and physical health. As the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports under the Government of India has realised this, it has taken many initiatives in recent times. These are directed not only at relieving mental and physical stress, but also at inculcating in the youth a sports and physical culture and help them channelise their energies into constructive activities. The Department has launched a scheme of National Welfare Fund so as to provide security to sportspersons and their families. This way, sportspersons are assured that the nation is concerned about their well-being. The scheme is applicable to sportspersons who take part in competitive sports at the national and international levels and try to achieve excellence and a high level of performance. An outstanding sportsperson is one who achieves a position within the first eight in individual or within four in team events in a national championship or who represents the country in an international sports competition like the Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, etc. Under the scheme, an outstanding sportsperson is provided assistance in cash or kind by way of medical assistance in case of disablement due to strenuous training or otherwise. The prime aim is to alleviate his and his dependents? distress in indigent cir-cumstances. Sportspersons who wish to avail of this facility may contact or write to: Member Secretary/Treasurer National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons Department of Youth Affairs & Sports Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
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