in news in Iran too!
RECENTLY, Sardar Gurucharan Singh Gill, Chief of Nand Shri Charan Singh Naik, the secretary undertook a tour of Tehran, the capital of Iran. Addressing a large gathering of Sikhs gathered in Tehran, Shri Gill expounded on the various activities the Sikh Sangat plans to undertake to celebrate 400 years of the establishment of the Guru Granth Sahib, the religious book of the Sikhs. Shri Omarjit Singh Anand was appointed the coordinator for meetings of the Sikh Sangat to be held in Tehran in the future.
Iran is primarily a Muslim nation where the local Sikh inhabitants have undertaken important activities. They have built an imposing Gurudwara Sahib as also a school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. In addition, a crematorium for conducting the last rites of HIndus and Sikhs has been set up.
At this meeting of the Sikh brethren settled in Tehran, Shri Gill enlightened them on the Guru Granth Sahib and the activities of the Sikh Sangat.