Bharat Bhojshala Survey: ASI unearths 1700+ Paramara-era artefacts at Dhar, will submit report to court on July 2
Bharat ASI Survey in Bhojshala: Murti of Bhagwan Krishna, stone symbols of kamal discovered from the campus
Bharat Bhojshala: Three remains of specially designed pillars found in excavation by ASI; team prepares GPR survey report
News Bhojshala: ASI excavation unearths intricately carved Hindu stone artefacts along with discovery of sword
Bharat Madhya Pradesh: ASI to begin survey in Bhojshala Mandir tomorrow—Here’s all you need to know about the controversy
Bharat MP: Tensions between Hindus & Muslims gripped Dhar with emergence of Saraswati Idol at disputed Bhojshala site