Bharat Central government modifies SC list in Tamil Nadu,’ Devendra Vellalar’ community thank PM Modi
Bharat Basant Panchami and Saraswati Puja are being celebrated in different parts of the country today.
Bharat A grand temple to goddess Padmavati to be constructed in Chennai, actress Kanchana donates land
Bharat Thunberg tool-kit: 22-year-old Disha arrested on the charge of conspiring with Khalistanis to wage war on India
Bharat Dear Google, ‘God bless You’ can’t be translated as ‘Assalaamu Alaikum’; Netizens accuse google of serving Islamic content
Bharat Kerala: Wife accuses Palakkad District Judge Kalam Pasha of issuing ‘Triple Talaq’, claims former high Court Judge Kemal Pasha threatening her
Bharat Former Uttarakhand coach Wasim Jaffer accused of favouring Muslim cricketers, bringing Maulavis to the camps, changing the team’s slogan