“Bharat’s strength lies in its ability to evolve while staying rooted in timeless values,” said Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis at the launch of the second edition of Banayein Jeevan Pranvan authored by eminent educationist Mukul Kanitkar. The event was also graced by Revered Sri Sri Abhinava Shankara Bharati Mahaswami, the 72nd Pithadhishwar, Srimad Jagadguru Shankaracharya, Kudali Sringeri Mahasamsthan, Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peeth.
CM Fadnavis also reminisced about the humble origins of Eye View Enterprises, recalling its early struggles.Sri Sri Abhinava Shankara Bharati Mahaswami in his address said, “The vision and principle of science was institutionalised by the Rishis in Bharatiya parampara. That is Pranvidya which is explained in this book.” His insights on Pranvidya enriched the occasion. He described the book as “a bridge between tradition and modernity.” He urged the audience to embrace Bharat’s spiritual and scientific heritage. He gave small everyday examples to explain in simplified terms the seemingly tough topic and the audience thoroughly enjoyed it.
“Everything in Bharat is science, nothing is superstition. Rishis through immense tapa attained highest realisations and came up with simplified formulas for practising in everyday life,” said author Mukul Kanitkar while talking about the book. He explained the ancient Bharatiya concept of Pranvidya, offering insights into practices that enhance well-being and connect individuals with their inner vitality. He said, “This book is not just about reading; it’s about awakening a sense of purpose and vitality in every individual.” The experiential session during the event offered a practical demonstration providing a glimpse into the book and inspiring the attendees to delve deeper into Pranvidya. Eye View Enterprises was founded in 1989 by four friends. The launch of Banayein Jeevan Pranvan marked a new chapter in the revival of its journey, reflecting its commitment to providing a platform to amplify unheard voices and inspire societal transformation.
The Publisher Devendra Panwar informed that the book’s first edition, launched by Param Poojaneeya Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat and Acharya Mahamandaleshwar of Panchdashnam Juna Akhada Revered Swami Avadheshananda Giri ji in Delhi on November 26, 2024, saw tremendous success, with 3,000 copies sold within a month, necessitating a second edition. He said that the launch of the second edition was not only a celebration of its growing popularity but also a reaffirmation of the mission to make Pranvidya accessible to a wider audience. The book’s planned translations into English and Marathi, along with the proposed workshops, are expected to expand its reach, ensuring that the wisdom of Pranvidya touches lives across linguistic and cultural boundaries.