In Ajmer, Rajasthan, a father and son duo have renounced Islam and embraced Hinduism, citing prolonged harassment by a local maulvi. The two individuals, previously known as Sharif Khan and his son Aman Khan, have now adopted the names Shubham Agarwal and Aman Agarwal, respectively, and have begun following Hindu customs and traditions.
The family, originally residents of Khanpura in Ajmer, has since relocated to Subhash Nagar. Shubham Agarwal performed a ceremonial puja at a temple in Christian Ganj, Ajmer, to formally adopt Sanatan Dharma. Speaking about his decision, he stated, “I have been deeply influenced by the Hindu religion and its people. I have decided to adopt Sanatan Dharma, and I will now engage in daily worship and read devotional texts.”
Shubham Agarwal revealed the distressing circumstances that led to his decision.
According to him, a maulvi from the Khanpura mosque significantly disrupted his family life. He alleged that the maulvi influenced his wife and daughter, resulting in his divorce. Furthermore, he claimed his daughter, under the maulvi’s influence, filed false allegations against him under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
“The maulvi destroyed my family, and despite my struggles, no one from the Muslim community came forward to support me,” Shubham said.
He expressed gratitude towards the Hindu community, stating, “I was already connected to Hindu customs, and the kindness and support I received from Hindus inspired me to adopt Sanatan Dharma. My son joined me in this journey, though my daughter remains with her mother. We are both content and happy with our decision.”
The ceremonial adoption of Sanatan Dharma was facilitated by Pandit Anand Purohit, who conducted the necessary rituals and a havan to welcome Shubham and Aman into the fold. “Shubham Agarwal and his son Aman approached me after being troubled for the last six months. Their return to Sanatan Dharma was overdue. Today, I performed the rituals to formally integrate them into Sanatan Dharma,” said Pandit Purohit.
With this transition, Shubham and Aman Agarwal have committed themselves to practicing Hindu customs and integrating into the community. Shubham expressed his desire to leave the past behind and embrace a new life rooted in devotion and spirituality.