On January 11, the South Delhi Police issued a notice to Aam Aadmi Party MLA from Rithala constituency Mohinder Goyal and his staff regarding a case involving illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. The immigrants were found in possession of counterfeit documents bearing Goyal’s signature and seal. These individuals are accused of staying unlawfully in the city.
The police have summoned Goyal to appear for questioning at the South Delhi office, where senior officers will probe him regarding the case. The summons were issued as part of a heightened crackdown on illegal immigrants in the city. Earlier this month, Delhi Police had detained five Bangladeshi nationals, including a woman and two children, before deporting them.
Verification drives are underway in densely populated areas and slums across the city to identify illegal residents. Led by Deputy Commissioner of Police Ankit Kumar, the Dwarka Police recently screened over 500 individuals during such drives. This resulted in the arrest of several people whose documents were found to be fraudulent. All those detained were revealed to be Bangladeshi nationals living illegally in the national capital.
Previous Controversies Surrounding Goyal
This is not the first time Mohinder Goyal has found himself embroiled in controversy. In 2024, Shahbad Dairy Police registered a case against him for allegedly verbally abusing and hindering an MCD licensing inspector in the course of his duties. The inspector, in his complaint, accused Goyal of threatening him and obstructing the sealing of unauthorized factories during an official property survey in Narela.
Crackdown on Illegal Bangladeshi Nationals Intensifies
In recent weeks, Delhi Police have ramped up efforts to identify and deport Bangladeshi nationals residing illegally in the capital. Earlier this week, the Central District Police detained nine Bangladeshi citizens, who are now held at a detention centre in Sarai Rohilla, awaiting deportation. Between January 1 and January 5, 2025, district police launched a special operation focused on illegal immigrants, marking a significant escalation in the city’s efforts to tackle unauthorised residency. Additionally, five Bangladeshi nationals were deported earlier this month. The development has occurred during a time when the national capital is gearing up for Assembly Polls scheduled next month.