Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav took a jab at the Congress party over its nationwide campaign “Jai Bapu, Jai Bhim, Jai Samvidhan Abhiyan” on Friday. He questioned how a party, which he alleged had a history of undermining the Constitution and neglecting Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s legacy, could now claim to protect it.
The Congress party is set to launch the campaign with a rally at Mhow – birthplace of BR Ambedkar, in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore district on January 26, 2025.
Reacting to the Congress’s campaign, CM Yadav told reporters, “Those (Congress) who have always blown up the Constitution, have done injustice to Babasaheb Ambedkar, how can they talk about protecting the Constitution? They need to introspect. They did not give Bharat Ratna to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar. Even they did not let him win the election. Congress even played a role in his defeat in the by-election. The public has not forgotten all this.”
Meanwhile, senior Congress leaders held a meeting in Bhopal on Friday to prepare for the campaign’s launch event in Mhow.
Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) President Jitu Patwari said that the Congress is ready to do whatever was needed to save the constitution. He alleged that Babasaheb Ambedkar’s legacy was under threat from a conspiracy by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
“Babasaheb Ambedkar’s constitution is in danger. He is being insulted under the a deliberate conspiracy by the BJP. Babasaheb, who gave fundamental rights to the people of this country, made a forefront leader and appointed Chairman of the Constituent Assembly by the Congress party,” Patwari said.
“The Congress has played an important role in the independence of the country and contributed to its progress, with our party leaders sacrificing themselves for the nation, making history. Now, the Congress is ready to do whatever it takes to save the Constitution. The campaign will be launched from Mhow on January 26. An important meeting was held today to discuss preparations. The Congress will fulfill its responsibility by fighting for the people,” he added.
Patwari also emphasized that 2025 is the year to strengthen the Congress party organisation, and highlighted the need to its reach among the public, especially in villages to effectively serve as an oppisition.
“I believe every Congress worker, along with our senior leaders who have served the party for four years, must work hard to strengthen the organization. Although we have been out of power for years, we have consistently fulfilled our role as a strong opposition and stood by the people. Strengthening the party is essential. Even though there are no elections next year, we must prepare as if it is an election year. Together, we will build a robust organization,” Patwari concluded.
(With inputs from ANI)