Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath declared Prayagraj ready to set a new benchmark in cleanliness and hospitality as the city gears up to host Mahakumbh 2025, the world’s largest spiritual gathering. After reviewing preparations at the ICCC auditorium of the Prayagraj Mela Authority, the Chief Minister appealed to residents to ensure that this Mahakumbh surpasses the standards set during the 2019 Kumbh.
“Prayagraj will shine as a model of cleanliness and exemplary hospitality. With everyone’s cooperation, we will showcase the grandeur of this event and reflect the pride of our city and state,” he stated, extending New Year wishes to the public.
The Chief Minister highlighted significant development in Prayagraj to accommodate the influx of pilgrims. Over 200 roads have been upgraded, and new flyovers have been constructed. Of the planned 14 flyovers and road overbridges (ROBs), 13 are operational, with the final one nearing completion. Beautification projects, including landscaped public spaces and enhanced civic amenities, have transformed the city.
To manage the massive crowds, over 5,000 acres of parking space have been developed, located 2-5 kilometres from Sangam. These lots will feature checkpoints, security arrangements, and public address systems. Additionally, a 450-kilometre pipeline has been laid to supply clean drinking water, and 530 kilometres of checkered plates have been installed across the Mela area.
The Mela Authority has arranged over 1.5 lakh tents for more than 7,000 participating organisations. Temporary and permanent ghats are being prepared, including a 12-kilometre-long temporary ghat and a permanent one near Arail, both of which will be ready within days.
Emphasising the uniqueness of Mahakumbh 2025, the Chief Minister called it a once-in-144-years event. “The world is eager to witness this monumental spiritual and religious gathering,” he said, highlighting the global interest in the festival.
The event will feature six holy baths, beginning with Paush Purnima on January 13, followed by Makar Sankranti on January 14. Mauni Amavasya on January 29 is expected to draw the largest crowd, with an estimated 6 to 8 crore devotees. Basant Panchami on February 3 and two additional baths on February 12 and February 26 will round out the schedule.
CM Yogi assured that there would be no protocol restrictions on the main bathing day, ensuring an inclusive atmosphere. To honor saints and devotees, floral showers will be organised.
With extensive preparations in place and global anticipation building, Mahakumbh 2025 is poised to be a historic and spiritual milestone for Prayagraj.