In a significant breakthrough, the Odisha Police have arrested three hardcore Maoists, including an Area Committee Member (ACM)-rank cadre, in Malkangiri district. The detained Maoists were involved in multiple violent incidents targeting security forces, with a combined cash reward of Rs 8 lakhs for their capture. They have been identified as Swapna, Sunita, and Babita from the Dhakadpadar area of the Swabhiman region.
Acting on precise intelligence, the operation was conducted near Gunthawada village within the jurisdiction of Chitrakonda Police Station. Preliminary interrogation revealed that the trio was planning further subversive activities, including attacks on security forces.
This arrest marks a significant milestone for the police, as it has diminished the Maoists’ regional presence and influence in the Andhra-Odisha Border Special Zonal Committee (AOBSZC) region.
“We received information about suspected movement in the area and verified it by conducting a visit. Upon sighting the security forces, several individuals fled; however, we managed to apprehend three women, who are now being detained for questioning,” said Niti Shekhar, Deputy Inspector General of Police, South Western Range.
Among the arrested Maoists is Swapna, also known as Chandrama Khilo, daughter of Nanda Khilo, from Dhakadapadar village, Jodambo PS, Malkangiri. She joined the Maoist outfit in 2018 and has been serving in the AOBSZC Military Platoon in the Gumma area. She carries a reward of Rs 4 lakh. Babita, also known as Kamala Khilo, daughter of Nanda Khilo, from the same village, joined in 2021 and has served as a party member in the Uday Protection Team under AOBSZC. She carries a reward of Rs 2 lakh.Sunita Khilo, daughter of Chaitu Khilo, also from Dhakadapadar village, joined in 2021 and served in the Uday Protection Team under AOBSZC, and she too carries a reward of Rs 2 lakh.
The trio was involved in seven major incidents of EOF (Extremist Offences) from 2018 to 2023 across Malkangiri, Koraput, and Sukma districts. They were also responsible for the burning of houses in Jodambo village in January 2020.
Their apprehension has dealt a significant blow to the Maoist movement in the AOBSZC (Andhra-Odisha Border Special Zonal Committee) region, as they were actively planning further subversive activities, including attacks on security forces.
With the support of intelligence inputs, the Odisha Police have intensified combing and intelligence-based operations in Malkangiri district to eradicate Maoist activities. Further investigations are underway to ascertain their involvement in other criminal cases.
These arrests mark a critical turning point in the struggle against Maoist insurgency in Malkangiri. Local officials hope this will encourage other Maoists to surrender and seek a peaceful life, thereby contributing to the overall stability and development of the region. The police have appealed to anyone with information regarding Maoist activities to come forward and assist in efforts to combat these armed groups.