Union Home Minister Amit Shah was quite pleased with rehabilitating 38,000 Reang tribes from the Bru community, crediting the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for this accomplishment. While launching several initiatives in Tripura’s Dhalai district, Home Minister Shah said the BJP government acted according to its promises. Plans for the rehabilitation of Brus in Haduk Lau Para, Dhalai district, have been established by the 2020 agreement. Shah visited with state Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha, West Tripura Lok Sabha MP Biplab Kumar Deb, East Tripura Lok Sabha MP Kriti Singh, Dhalai district’s DM Saju Vaheed A, and other officials to examine the agreement’s implementation. The union home minister met the Bru community members and families in the camps.
Amit Shah laid the groundwork for seven additional projects and officially opened six new ones in Kulai, Dhalai district, on December 22. These 13 projects will cost a total of Rs 668.39 crore. Shah said he was pleased with how the Bru tribal population had grown in all areas of the state. The tribal people of Bru lived in extreme hardship for twenty-five years. Numerous families had to share a shed without access to sanitary facilities, education, or enough food and water. The tribal people were neglected and fell behind in terms of development under the Communist Party’s reign, Shah said.
He emphasized that the central government assisted the BJP administration in providing accommodations for 40,000 Bru refugees, including clean drinking water, education, income-generating amenities, and special facilities for women. Through several initiatives, the present BJP government has prioritized the development of the state. At the expense of Rs 900 crore, 11 communities have hosted Bru refugees who had been living in appalling conditions since 1998. When Shah spoke at the Bru resettlement area, he brought up this point. The Indian government would provide Bru refugees a grant of Rs 5,000 for 24 months.
Shah added that the Bru tribes had access to several programs, including safe drinking water and education. He underlined the government’s dedication to enhancing the Bru community’s quality of life. “Only six people were present at that time, and there were only 11 party members in the state,” Shah said about his first trip to Tripura in 2017 as president of the BJP. I am delighted to watch Tripura’s progress today. He thanked party workers, former Chief Minister and current Member of Parliament Biplab Deb, and Chief Minister Manik Saha for their efforts.
“This demonstrates how the nation progresses when those who support democracy are entrusted with the task of governance,” Home Minister Shah said.