In Maharashtra’s Hingoli district, sixteen individuals were arrested for attacking the residence of a businessman following the circulation of a WhatsApp message deemed offensive to Islam. The violence unfolded on December 15, evening in Mondha, Vasmat, when a mob of around 50 people pelted stones at the businessman’s home and a nearby shop. The attack escalated into a confrontation with law enforcement, resulting in injuries to Vasmat Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Rajkumar Kendre, who was trying to pacify the situation.
The chaos reportedly began after a contentious WhatsApp message, allegedly forwarded by businessman Kailash Kabra claimed offensive for Muslims, sparked outrage among locals. A group of individuals gathered, targeting a shop owned by Kabra and then proceeding towards his residence. As tensions rose, the mob began pelting stones, leading to significant damage in the area.
Police were quick to respond, deploying additional forces to the scene. A lathi charge was carried out to disperse the mob, and eight individuals were apprehended on the spot. A follow-up search operation led to the detention of eight more suspects. Despite these efforts, authorities revealed that nearly 20 others involved in the violence are still at large.
SDPO Rajkumar Kendre, aged 54, sustained injuries during the stone-pelting incident. According to officials, Kendre and his team faced resistance while attempting to control the mob, which included efforts to prevent public servants from discharging their duties.
“A mob of 50 persons hurled stones at a shop and were moving towards the residence of businessman Kailash Kabra to vandalise it. Kabra allegedly forwarded an objectionable Whatsapp message about Islam. Kendre sustained injuries when he and his team tried to stop the stone pelting. The additional force was sent to the site and police carried out a cane charge,” the official said.
Based on Kendre’s complaint filed at the Vasmat Police Station, the arrested individuals have been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including: Attempt to murder, Rioting, Preventing a public servant from discharging their duty, Voluntarily causing hurt and Other related offences.
Authorities emphasised that efforts are underway to track down the remaining suspects and ensure accountability for the violence.
This recent incident has raised concerns about escalating tensions in the region. Notably, last month in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, a similar stone-pelting episode occurred during the Ekadashi Puja. That altercation was reportedly triggered by a minor dispute between children from two different communities, which escalated into a communal clash. Abusive words were exchanged, and videos of the incident went viral on social media, further inflaming tensions.
The attack has sparked outrage and fear within the local business community, with calls for stricter measures to prevent such incidents in the future.