Rajya Sabha proceedings were adjourned until December 16 after a war of words erupted between Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday amid a row over the no-confidence motion against the Chairman. The Rajya Sabha Chairman lambasted the opposition and said that he would “sacrifice his life for the country” and that the opposition was insulting the constitution.
“I am a farmer’s son; I will not show weakness. I will sacrifice my life for my country. You (opposition) have only one job 24 hours a day, why is a farmer’s son sitting here…look what you are saying. I have tolerated a lot…you have the right to bring a motion but you are insulting the Constitution,” the Rajya Sabha Chairman said.
Replying to Dhankhar, Rajya Sabha leader Mallikarjun Kharge said that they have not come here to listen to his praises.
“You are encouraging the (BJP) members to speak against members of other parties… I am also a son of farmer. I have faced more challenges than you… You are insulting our party leaders; you are insulting the Congress… We have not come here to listen to your praises, we have come here for discussion,” Kharge said.
Responding to Kharge, Rajya Sabha Chairman said, “The whole world knows whose praises you like. It is important that the House should function.”
The Rajya Sabha failed to function on Friday with uproar from the Treasury and Opposition benches over the no-confidence notice against House Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar.
The I.N.D.I Alliance submitted the no-confidence motion on December 10 to the Secretary-General of the Upper House of Parliament. I.N.D.I Alliance parties held a joint press conference and said they were forced to resort to the step to “safeguard the democracy and Constitution”.
The Winter Parliament Session commenced on November 25, with both Houses getting adjourned fairly early due to disruptions. The winter session is scheduled to go on till December 20.
(with inputs from ANI)