In Nawada, Bihar, a person identified as Mohammad Saheb allegedly raped a fifth-grade student. The suspect resided near the victim and is a father of two. As per reports, Mohammad Saheb abducted a 12-year-old girl from the Bhadouni Raja Nagar area in October of this year. He brought her to Calcutta, Vishakhapatnam, and Ranchi, where he is said to have assaulted her over the course of one month.
Mohammed Saheb kept the victim unconscious for a month through continuous rape and torture by giving her drugs multiple times. Finally, on December 3, he left the girl at Sadbhavna Chowk and escaped.
The father of the victim has reported to the police that his 12-year-old daughter went to the ration shop late on October 27. When she did not come back for a long time, a detailed search was carried out, and the city police station was informed.
After a month, the girl returned home on December 3, and everyone was shocked by her condition. When they asked her what had happened, she revealed that Mohammad Saheb, who lived nearby, had assaulted her and had threatened to kill her if she spoke about the terrible things he had done to her.
Media reports indicate that the suspect has not been apprehended. In the meantime, the victim’s family is urging the SP DM to seek justice. In July of this year, a case involving the rape of a three-year-old girl emerged in Nawada, Bihar. The incident occurred in the area under the Nardiganj police station. Investigations by the police uncovered that the suspect took the girl from her bed at night, assaulted her, and left her in a severely injured condition.