Ratlam police arrested a seven-member child-lifting gang from Rajasthan on December 5, accused of kidnapping a brother and sister from Hussain Tekri in Jaora, Madhya Pradesh. The children, aged 1 and 8, were abducted five days ago but were safely recovered from the clutches of the accused following swift police action.
The Kidnapping Incident
The incident took place on November 30, when the children, who lived with their family in a makeshift shelter near the Hussain Tekri fairground, went missing. The gang lured the siblings with biscuits and abducted them.
A police team, led by Additional Superintendent of Police Rakesh Khakha and Jaora Sub-Divisional Police Officer Durgesh Armo, was immediately formed to investigate the case. The team analysed over 100 CCTV cameras installed in the area to trace the culprits, eventually identifying the gang and tracking them to Biaora in Rajgarh district.
The Mastermind and the Plan
Ratlam Superintendent of Police Amit Kumar revealed that the mastermind behind the gang, Rashid Shah, was working in coordination with a nurse in Gujarat, identified as Mehjabeen Bi. According to the police, Mehjabeen had approached Rashid with a demand for a child, planning to sell the kidnapped children to a childless couple for Rs 80,000.
The gang, which consisted of Rashid Shah, his wife Zulekha, Babli, Nasra Bi, Mohammad Hanif, Mehjabeen Bi, and a minor, had been residing in the Hussain Tekri area between December 2 and 3, scouting for potential victims.
The Arrest and Rescue Operation
Based on the leads from the CCTV footage, the police conducted a raid in Biaora and rescued the kidnapped children from the gang’s custody. The children were unharmed and were immediately reunited with their family members.
The accused were taken into custody, and the case has now expanded into an investigation of human trafficking.
Accused Under Scrutiny
The arrested individuals include: Rashid Shah (mastermind), Zulekha (his wife), Babli, Nasra Bi, Mohammad Hanif, Nurse Mehjabeen Bi, and a minor (whose name has been withheld due to legal protections).
The police are investigating whether the gang has been involved in similar crimes in the past or if they are part of a larger human trafficking network.
Police Action
The safe recovery of the children has brought immense relief to their family and the local community. The prompt action and coordination of the Ratlam police team have been widely praised. Speaking to the media, SP Amit Kumar said, “We will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that the accused face strict punishment. Investigations are ongoing to uncover the full extent of their operations.”
The incident has also highlighted the growing menace of child trafficking, urging the authorities to strengthen surveillance and security measures at public gatherings and vulnerable areas like the Hussain Tekri fairground.