Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla said that ideologies and expression can differ but the country is always first (supreme). There were people of different ideologies in the Constituent Assembly, and there were people of different religions too, but the Constituent Assembly had meaningful and positive discussions, he added.
Differences can exist but people must come together to work for the country, Birla said, adding that differences are the strength of democracy.
“On Constitution Day, we need to take inspiration from the debates and discussions of the Constituent Assembly. There were people of different ideologies in the Constituent Assembly, and there were people of different religions too, but the Constituent Assembly had meaningful and positive discussions. The differences were there then also as it is the strength of democracy. We should take inspiration from our traditions and customs so that we can have good discussions in our respective Houses. The differences can exist, but we must come together to work for the country. Ideologies and expression can differ, but the country is always first (supreme),” Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla told media.
Remembering the previous speakers before him, Birla said that they have always been loyal to the Constitution and have worked under its guidance.
“The Constitution is followed by everyone including Judiciary, Executive and Legislative. Babasaheb Ambedkar had said that if those who execute the Constitution are capable and visionary, the Constitution would also become more capable. We have always been loyal to the Constitution, and have worked under the guidance of the Constitution. Be it Parliament or Assembly, all democratic institutions have been working according to the Constitution and will continue to do so,” Birla said.
He also said that the Constitution should be kept away from politics since it remains a social document and a source of social and economic change.
“The Constitution is our strength. It is our social document. It is because of this Constitution that we have brought about social, and economic changes and have given respect to the deprived, poor and backward people of the society. Today people in the world read the Constitution of India, understand its ideology, and how at that time we exercised the right to vote to all classes, all castes without any discrimination. Therefore, the basic spirit of our Constitution gives us the strength to unite everyone and work together. Isliye Constitution ko politics ke dayre main nahi lana chahiye (This is why Constitution should be kept away from politics),” Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla told media.
He asserted that no government of any party or ideology can temper the basic spirit (or structure) of the Constitution. There have been changes made in the Constitution from time to time but to cater to the rights of the people and their aspirations, Birla added.
(with inputs from ANI)
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