Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 15 said that more than 10,000 youths gave up arms and violence in Assam due to peace accords. PM Modi was addressing a gathering after inaugurating the 1st Bodoland Mahotsav, a two-day mega event on language, literature, and culture to sustain peace and build a Vibrant Bodo Society.
“Due to peace accords, more than 10,000 youth gave up arms and violence in Assam alone, and they joined the mainstream. No one would have imagined that the Karbi Anglong peace pact, Bru-Reang agreement and NLFT Tripura agreement would become a reality. It’s because of you!” PM Modi said.
PM Modi said that he is happy that the youth who were holding guns a few years ago are now moving ahead in the field of sports.
“I am happy that the youth who were holding guns a few years ago are now moving ahead in the field of sports. The holding of two editions of the Durand Cup in Kokrajhar and the arrival of teams from Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan is historic in itself,” he said.
“Look at the Bodo people who chose the path of peace and development. They are a shining example of how change begins with choosing the right path,” he added. The PM said that the Bodo Peace Accord opened new avenues for many more peace accords.
“The Bodo Peace Accord hasn’t just benefitted you, it has opened new avenues for many more peace accords. Had it remained on papers only, others wouldn’t have trusted me. However, you imbibed the accord in your lives,” he said.
PM Modi also stated the role of the government in ensuring economic and social empowerment in Bodoland, including women’s skill development programs and employment initiatives.
“Women in Bodoland are now leading the charge in development. When violence stops, progress becomes the central focus,” he remarked.
Recalling his visit to Kokrajhar after the signing of the Bodo Peace Accord in 2020, PM Modi expressed heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming love and support from the Bodo people.
“You have made me feel like one of your own. This bond motivates me to ensure that the development of Bodoland is never compromised,” he said. He also acknowledged the contributions of Bodo leaders.
“For me, the entire North-East including Assam is the Ashta Lakshmi of India. Now the sun of development will rise from Eastern India, which will give new energy to the resolve of developed India. That is why we are continuously working for lasting peace in the North-East. We are seeking amicable solutions to the border disputes of the North-Eastern states,” he said. He mentioned that the Union Government has given a special package of Rs 1,500 crore for the development of Bodoland.
“Assam Government has also given a special development package. More than Rs 700 crore has been spent to develop infrastructure related to education, health and culture in Bodoland,” he said. The two-day Bodoland Mahotsav is being organised on November 15 and 16.
A Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) was signed in January 2020 with Bodo groups to resolve the long pending Bodo issue in the presence of Home Minister Amit Shah.
The Mahotsav is also about celebrating the journey of recovery and resilience ever since the signing of the Bodo Peace Accord in 2020 under the leadership of PM Modi. The peace agreement not only resolved decades of conflict, violence, and loss of life in Bodoland but also served as a catalyst for other peace settlements, according to an official release.
Bodos are one of the aboriginal and indigenous communities living in Assam for thousands of years, and they are the largest tribal community in the state.
Bodo as a language is listed in the 8th Schedule of India’s Constitution and is also recognised as the Associate Official Language of Assam and medium of instruction up to Class XII.
(With inputs from ANI)
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