In Faridabad, Haryana, eight Hindu girls, seven of whom are minors, have reportedly gone missing over the past two months, sparking outrage among their families and Hindu organisations. The families, along with activists, protested at the Police Commissioner’s office, demanding swift action against those responsible. They have alleged that Muslim men are involved in “love jihad” and are responsible for luring their daughters. However, local authorities have denied these claims, and as of now, no girl has been found or the perpetrators identified.
The complainants submitted a memorandum to Assistant Police Commissioner (ACP) Central Vishnu Prasad, demanding the arrest of the individuals responsible for the disappearances. ACP Prasad met with representatives from Hindu groups who accompanied the affected families and contacted the officers in charge of the relevant police stations. He instructed them to take swift action to rescue the missing girls and apprehend the perpetrators.
Hindu activists have accused Muslim youths of luring the girls and taking them away, urging the authorities to ensure their safe return and arrest the offenders as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the mother and aunt of one of the missing girls expressed their frustration, revealing that they had repeatedly sought help from the police but received no adequate response. They shared that the family had grown exhausted from constantly visiting police stations, and despite the mother’s attempts to provide names of suspected individuals, the police allegedly failed to take action. Instead, they reportedly told her to provide a car if she wanted them to search for her daughter.
After their meeting with ACP Vishnu Prasad, the Hindu outfits and the families of the missing girls hoped their concerns would now be taken seriously. Sushil, a Hindu activist, pointed out that all eight cases of disappearance have occurred in Faridabad and are reported at different local police stations. He stated that one of the missing girls is an adult, while the remaining seven are minors. He alleged that Muslim youths had deceived the girls, leading them into “love jihad,” which he believes was responsible for their disappearances. He called for the immediate arrest of those involved.
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