The Odisha government has announced plans to launch the ‘Debalaya’ Yojana, a new initiative aimed at preserving temples and mutts throughout the state. This scheme seeks to address the operational, maintenance, and security challenges faced by religious institutions in Odisha. Law, Excise, and Works Minister Prithviraj Harichandan revealed details of the scheme while speaking to the media in Bhubaneswar.
“The Debalaya Yojana represents a comprehensive approach to preserving temples and mutts across Odisha while also addressing issues related to their operation,” said Minister Harichandan. “Our government has thoroughly considered the challenges faced by temple authorities and has developed a scheme to resolve these longstanding problems,” he added.
The Debalaya Yojana will build upon previous heritage initiatives, such as the Augmentation of Basic Amenities and Development of Heritage and Architecture (ABADHA), which was launched by the former BJP government. While ABADHA primarily focused on repair work, the Debalaya Yojana, initiated by the current BJP government, will provide a holistic solution that encompasses repair, restoration, security, and management enhancements for temples and mutts.
In its initial phase, the scheme will focus on urgent needs such as structural repairs, preservation, and operational management to ensure the effective functioning of these institutions. Harichandan noted that a blueprint for implementing the scheme is currently being developed, reflecting the government’s commitment to preserving and safeguarding Odisha’s cultural heritage.
Minister Harichandan also underscored the importance of temples and mutts as cultural landmarks, affirming that the protection of these institutions is a top priority. At present, the state provides annual financial assistance ranging from 5 to 7 crore rupees to approximately 5,000 temples. However, under the Debalaya Yojana, funding will be significantly increased, with 10 to 12 crore rupees allocated each year to support around 18,000 temples across Odisha.
“From an operational perspective, we are carefully evaluating the specific needs of temples that have been overlooked for too long,” said Harichandan. “Our government is committed to giving due recognition and support to these cultural institutions, ensuring they receive the assistance required for sustained upkeep.”
The Debalaya Yojana promises to provide a comprehensive solution to the various challenges faced by religious institutions in Odisha, focusing on preservation, operational efficiency, and enhanced security, with the goal of safeguarding the state’s rich cultural heritage for future generations.