Pakistan has been ranked the third-worst among 142 countries in terms of law and order, according to a new report of the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index. Only two other nations, Mali and Nigeria, were ranked below Pakistan in terms of law and order and security. This is reflective of the true picture of how lawlessness is pervading all over in Pakistan. Incidentally, Sindh capital Karachi has been ranked as the most dangerous city due to killings for ransom and other factors.
This index is an annual survey which ranks nations on eight factors: Constraints on Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government, Fundamental Rights, Order and Security, Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice.
There are only two countries which have been rated worse than Pakistan due to its pathetic record on most of the variables that the Index uses. “After seven consecutive years of rule of law declines, it can be easy to focus on the negative. But to do so would ignore accomplishments in anti-corruption and the hard work occurring to improve justice systems globally,” WJP co-founder and president William said.
The World Justice Project (WJP) is an international civil society organization with the stated mission of “working to advance the rule of law around the world”.[1] It produces the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index, a quantitative assessment tool that shows the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of law in practice. WJP’s major activity is the World Justice Forum, a global gathering at which prominent leaders from all parts of the world and a variety of disciplines have joined hands. Founded by William H. Neukom and William C. Hubbard in 2006 as an initiative of the American Bar Association, it enjoys the support of 21 partners.
The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index is a quantitative assessment tool designed to offer a detailed and comprehensive picture of the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of law in practice.
In the 2024 edition of the report, Pakistan was ranked 140th for Order and Security, which measured three factors: crime control, protection from armed conflicts and the use of violence to resolve civil disputes. On all these three variables, Pakistan’s record is absolutely pitiful and reason for its lowliest of low ranking, according to a Dawn report.
Pakistan ranked 103rd for constraints on government powers, 120th for corruption, 106 for open government, 125th for fundamental rights, 127th for regulatory enforcement, 128th for civil justice and 98th for criminal justice. The highhanded behaviour of Pakistan’s security forces towards ordinary citizens is amply reflected in the low rankings, according to experts.
Among the six South Asian states, Pakistan and Afghanistan are at the bottom of the index.
The latest report has said that most countries saw a worsening in their overall rankings, marked by executive overreach, deteriorating human rights, and justice systems that are failing to meet people’s needs. On all these parameters, Pakistan has a pathetic record and its latest executive over-reach to undermine judiciary is being criticised nationwide.
A majority of countries surveyed have also improved their criminal justice system. However, this cannot be said about Pakistan where criminal justice system is floundering due to “enforced disappearances’’. Between 2016 and 2024, people in 81 per cent nations have lost protections for their fundamental rights. Additionally, 77 per cent have registered a sharp decline in governmental checks and balances, including oversight by various organs. This has happened in Pakistan mainly because the security forces, particularly the Army, enjoys extra-constitutional powers.