In a concerning trend of misinformation, Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh, recently witnessed a case where a 15-year-old boy fabricated an abduction story, alleging harassment by Hindu leaders. The incident initially raised community tensions when the boy, identified as Danish, accused Hindu leaders of kidnapping him, forcing him into a vehicle, and compelling him to chant “Jai Shri Ram.” However, following a detailed police investigation, it was revealed that Danish had not been abducted or attacked.
The case surfaced when Danish, a class 10 student, returned home with self-inflicted injuries on his hand, alleging that Hindu community leaders had attacked him because he belonged to a minority community. According to his claim, they transported him to a remote location, assaulted him, and coerced him to chant a religious slogan. Disturbed by his injuries and accusations, his family alerted authorities, leading to an investigation by Hardoi Police.
Every other case of ‘kidnapped and forced to chant Jai Shri Ram’ turns out to be fake. People like @zoo_bear have circulated such false stories too
Listen to this boy’s statement
— Swati Goel Sharma (@swati_gs) October 24, 2024
However, the investigation revealed an entirely different story. Upon reviewing surveillance footage, examining the surrounding area, and questioning Danish, the police found inconsistencies in his story. Their investigation showed that Danish had, in fact, hidden in a vacant building near his school after the school day had ended. He reportedly inflicted injuries on himself using a blade. According to police, Danish fabricated the story to avoid consequences after failing to complete his homework, and his initial claim about being forced to attend school was untrue.
In an official statement, Hardoi Police confirmed, “Danish initially claimed that the Hindu leaders abducted and assaulted him, taking him to an undisclosed location before dropping him back near the school. However, upon investigation, it was established that he had hidden in an empty building and injured himself with a blade in several places on his hand. This was his way of avoiding school as he had not completed his homework.”
थाना बिलग्राम क्षेत्रांतर्गत एक बच्चे द्वारा अपने अपहरण की झूठी सूचना देने के संबंध में क्षेत्राधिकारी बिलग्राम की बाइट ।#UPPolice— Hardoi Police (@hardoipolice) October 23, 2024
Upon the truth coming to light, Danish admitted to the fabrication and apologised for his false claims. Considering his age and the impact a formal charge could have on his future, police provided him with counselling and issued a warning. No legal action was pursued.
The incident is not isolated; in recent months, several similar videos and posts have circulated on social media, aiming to portray the Hindu community in a negative light. Earlier in August, a video purportedly showing a Muslim man being assaulted for refusing to chant “Jai Shri Ram” was widely shared by Islamist groups. However, investigations later revealed that the video was old, edited, and repurposed to falsely imply recent religious harassment by Hindu leaders. Police found that the audio had been altered to manipulate the narrative.
These cases of misinformation, driven by edited content and false narratives, pose significant risks to communal harmony and public order. Social media platforms remain a battleground for such campaigns, where rumours and doctored videos often exacerbate religious tensions.