Pandits participating in the 2025 Mahakumbh Mela will now have to show their identity proof—either an Aadhaar or voter ID card—before entering the Kumbh area. This move, implemented by the Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad (ABAP) to prevent the entry of fake babas, is part of broader efforts to enhance the sanctity of the event. The ABAP, which governs all 13 akhadas (orders of pandits), has also demanded changes to the names of Urdu words associated with the Kumbh and has banned “non-Sanatanis” from setting up food stalls. The Mahakumbh is scheduled to take place on January 13, 2025, at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers in Prayagraj.
Recently, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Akhada Parishad President Mahant Ravindra Puri at the headquarters of Niranjani Akhada, Daraganj, Prayagraj.
In this meeting, Akhada Parishad President Mahant Ravindra Puri said, “Wars are going on in many countries. At the same time, forces defaming Sanatan Dharma are active. In such a situation, it is our responsibility to keep the anti-Sanatan forces away and cooperate with the district administration in ensuring security at the Kumbh Mela.”
He further said, “Therefore, it has been decided to make Aadhaar or ID proof mandatory for the sadhus and saints coming to the Kumbh Mela. We have instructed all the Akharas to also give a list of the concerned pandits to the district administration and legal authorities to keep an eye on the entry of ‘fake babas’ in the Kumbh.”
Non-Sanatani people prohibited from setting up food stalls
On the ban on setting up of food stalls by non-Sanatani people at the Kumbh, Akhada Parishad President Mahant Ravindra Puri said, “This proposal is a result of the recent incidents, including mixing urine in juice and spitting on food. All Hindus will be at the Kumbh Mela, so unholy things will not be tolerated.”
ABAP further said that a formal proposal to ban non-Sanatani people from setting up food stalls would be passed after Deepawali and submitted to Adityanath for approval.
Furthermore, ABAP has said that only followers of Sanatan Dharma, including barbers, carpenters, cobblers and even on-duty workers, should be deployed at the Kumbh.
Urdu words ‘Shahi’ and ‘Peshwai’ to be replaced
Other changes were also proposed in the recent meeting. Among the many proposals, changing Urdu words associated with the Kumbh Mela is at the top of the list. It was proposed that the words ‘Shahi’ and ‘Peshwai’, commonly associated with the Kumbh Mela, be replaced with names rooted in Sanatan Dharma.
Ravindra Puri said, “We had placed the proposal before UP CM Yogi Adityanath for final approval. We are thankful to him for considering our proposal. Urdu words like ‘Shahi Snan’ to ‘Rajsi Snan’ and ‘Peshwai’ to ‘Chhawani Pravesh’ will be replaced with Hindi words.”
Appeal to devotees
The apex body also urged devotees to buy goods only from shops that have the owner’s name written on them.
The council said, “Devotees should ensure that there is an murti or picture of the deity inside the shop, dhaba or restaurant before availing their services.” The organisation has also demanded a ban on the sale of liquor and meat around the Kumbh area.
The Kumbh Mela is an iconic Hindu festival, held every 12 years in major Indian cities such as Prayagraj, Haridwar, Nashik and Ujjain, and symbolizes purification and spiritual renewal through holy bathing in sacred rivers. It attracts millions of people from all over the world to seek spiritual knowledge and salvation from sins. Around 40 crore devotees are expected to attend the 2025 Prayagraj Kumbh Mela, scheduled to run from January 13 to February 26.