A disturbing event unfolded during the Garba celebrations at Vaibhav Shri Garden in Indore’s MR 10 area, where a young man, under the guise of a Hindu identity, attempted to take part in the event with a minor Hindu girl. On the night of October 10, members of the Hindu Jagran Manch identified and apprehended Amir Khan, who was using a Hindu alias to mingle with the festivalgoers.
Incident Details
The incident came to light when activists from the Hindu Jagran Manch, vigilantly overseeing the event, noticed Amir Khan, who had entered the Garba Pandal with a minor girl. Initial checks revealed discrepancies in his identity, leading to his detention. Further investigation uncovered that the minor girl was reported missing from Balaghat, adding a layer of complexity to the unfolding drama.
Police Investigation
The Indore police, upon taking Amir Khan into custody, initiated a thorough inquiry. They discovered from his mobile phone explicit content and communications that raised serious concerns about his motives for attending the event with minors. The police are now coordinating with the authorities in Balaghat to understand the circumstances under which the girl left her home and was found in his company at the event.
Community Response
This incident has reignited discussions on the safety and sanctity of cultural events like Garba, especially concerning the participation of non-Hindus. Mansingh Rajawat, the district convener of Hindu Jagran Manch, expressed deep concern over the trend of individuals misrepresenting themselves to infiltrate such religious and cultural gatherings. He urged for stricter security measures, including mandatory identity checks, to prevent such occurrences in the future.
Official Reaction
Additional DCP Ram Snehi Mishra addressed the media, assuring that the police would take stringent action against anyone found guilty of deceit or wrongdoing at these events. His comments reflect a growing awareness among law enforcement about the need for vigilance during cultural festivals to protect participants, particularly women and minors.
Simlar Pattern
This event in Indore follows a similar case in Ujjain, where another individual was caught using a fake Hindu identity at a Garba event, pointing towards a broader issue. In response, many Garba organisers across Madhya Pradesh have adopted policies prohibiting non-Hindus from attending, citing concerns over the safety of Hindu women and the integrity of religious customs. Critics argue that these measures are discriminatory, yet supporters within Hindu organisations maintain that such steps are necessary to safeguard against what they describe as disrespectful practices towards Hindu traditions.