A day after securing a decisive victory in the Haryana Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a fierce attack on the Congress party and its leader, Rahul Gandhi, accusing them of attempting to divide Hindus for political gain. In a fiery speech on Wednesday, Modi claimed that Congress has consistently employed divisive tactics, including exploiting caste differences within the Hindu community, to consolidate its vote bank.
In an apparent reference to the caste census, the Prime Minister criticized the Congress for focusing only on Hindu castes, while ignoring those within the Muslim community. “Congress does not talk about castes in the Muslim community. It only talks about Hindu castes because it wants to divide Hindu society,” he said. Modi accused the Congress of using this strategy to create rifts within the Hindu population, aiming to fracture the community for electoral advantage.
“Divide and Rule” Formula
PM Modi highlighted what he termed as Congress’s longstanding “divide and gain power” formula, accusing the opposition party of deliberately sowing division among communities for political gains. “Congress has repeatedly proved that it is an irresponsible party,” he said, adding that it continues to create new narratives to polarize the country. According to the Prime Minister, Congress’s modus operandi involves stoking fears among Muslims, turning them into a vote bank, and then using these divisions to retain power.
“The policy of Congress is to make one caste of Hindus fight against another caste,” he said. “The more Hindus are divided, the more Congress benefits. Congress wants to keep Hindu society in a state of conflict by any means possible, so it can extract political gains.”
The Prime Minister further stated that Congress fights elections using communal and caste-based tactics. “Dividing the Hindu society and making it their winning formula is the basis of Congress’s politics,” Modi remarked. He also accused the party of undermining India’s ancient values of harmony and unity, encapsulated in the phrase ‘Sarvajan Hitaye – Sarvajan Sukhaye’ (the welfare of all and the happiness of all), and of attacking the Sanatan tradition.
Congress Desperate for Power
Continuing his scathing criticism, PM Modi said Congress, which ruled India for decades, is now desperate to return to power, and in doing so, is spreading hatred in society. “Every day, they sow seeds of hatred into people’s minds,” he said. Modi also invoked Mahatma Gandhi, claiming that Gandhi had recognized Congress’s divisive tendencies shortly after independence and had wanted to dismantle the party.
In the wake of the BJP’s resounding victory in Haryana, PM Modi said the state’s voters had reflected the overall mood of the country by supporting the saffron party for a third consecutive term. He also slammed Congress’s “ecosystem of urban naxalites” for attempting to mislead the public with false narratives and propaganda.