Agartala: Prohibition orders have been imposed on the Kadamtala Police Station area in North Tripura due to tensions between two communities ahead of the Durga Puja celebration. According to police sources, a fight between a taxi driver who was taking people to a hospital and members of a community Puja organising committee started the commotion. In a letter to the local administration, the Superintendent of Police (SP) of North Tripura suggested limiting travel inside the Kadamtala PS area to stop the tension between the Islamists and the Hindu communities from getting worse. Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Sajal Debnath took action on this and issued an order under section 163 of the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023, ordering a curfew that would be in force from October 6 till October 9 in the afternoon.
But emergency services are not subject to these restrictions. According to local sources, a scuffle between a Muslim taxi driver and a few local Hindu men took ugly turn . Muslims gathered in significant numbers and attacked the local puja committee members. As Muslim gathering damaged Hindu-owned homes and businesses in response, the situation worsened. Police attempts to disperse the crowd have been greeted with resistance. Regarding the issue, no senior police official has yet to remark.
Tripura BJP spokesperson Nabendu Bhattacharya on October 7 accused the opposition of aiming to cause social and political unrest in the state, citing recent riots at Kadamtala in North district as an example of their disruptive methods. “For a long time, the opposition has been seeking to stir up instability because they cannot accept the public welfare decisions taken by the state government,” Bhattacharya asserted during a press conference in Agartala.
He emphasised that a minor incident in Kadamtala turned tense late at night and that they had sent top police personnel to the area. “The state government is closely monitoring the issue. Law enforcement is there on the scene, and we’ll make sure that those in charge of the disturbances face consequences. Following a thorough inquiry, the accused would receive severe punishment, Bhattacharya promised. In his remarks, Bhattacharya underlined his conviction that the opposition’s purpose is to divert the government’s emphasis from its progressive program.
He claimed, “They do not want peace and progress in the state, so they have a plan to create distractions.” He went on to say, “Those who started the Kadamtala incident will not escape punishment.” Anybody found culpable for this intentional disturbance of the peace will face legal punishment.