A heinous crime unfolded in the Bopdev Ghat area of Pune, last Thursday (October 3) night, when three men, under the guise of human rights ‘activists’, brutally gang-raped a 21-year-old woman. The attack, which took place late in the evening, targeted the woman as she was out on a walk with a friend.
According to the police report, the ordeal began when one of the accused approached the couple in a car, masquerading as an activist. He warned them that the area was restricted and proceeded to take photographs of the pair. This was followed by another accuser emerging, who used threats to coerce both victims into their vehicle.
Eyewitness accounts and preliminary investigations reveal that the attackers drove the couple to an isolated spot. Here, they tied up the woman’s friend with a rope and assaulted him, while they took the woman to a secluded part where she was subjected to the gang rape.
In the aftermath, the perpetrators fled the scene, leaving the victims in distress. The woman was immediately taken to a nearby hospital by her friend, where medical examinations confirmed the assault.
Joint Commissioner of Police Ranjan Kumar Sharma, addressing the media, highlighted the vulnerability of the crime scene due to its seclusion and inadequate lighting, which might have emboldened the attackers. He emphasized that although the police were informed early Friday morning, swift action was taken. “We have deployed 10 crime branch teams to arrest the remaining culprits,” Sharma stated.
One of the accused, identified as RK Pathan, has been arrested. Pathan, who played the role of the ‘activist’, was crucial in luring the victims under the pretence of enforcing local bylaws against public display of affection.
The assailants justified their actions by stating that couples were not allowed in the area, photographing the pair as evidence. Subsequently, one of the attackers intimidated the woman, compelling her into their vehicle. They drove to an isolated spot where she was subjected to a gang rape, while her companion was assaulted prior to the assault on her.
After committing the crime, the perpetrators abandoned her at the scene and escaped. The victim, found injured, was rushed to a hospital where she lodged a complaint with the Kondhwa police in the early hours. This led to the arrest of one suspect named Pathan.
Initial medical assessments confirmed bodily injuries on the victim. The investigation has been taken up by senior police officials along with multiple teams from the Crime Branch.
Efforts to arrest the remaining two suspects are underway, with 10 teams from both the Crime Branch and Detection Branch actively involved in the manhunt.
The incident has sparked outrage and calls for improved safety measures in the city, particularly in lesser-known areas where lighting and surveillance are minimal. The police have intensified their efforts, with a focused manhunt underway to capture the remaining suspects involved in this appalling crime.