In a shocking incident, a young man named Arvind Vaishya was murdered in Mumbai’s Dharavi area on Sunday, July 28, 2024. The suspects, identified as Allu, Arif, Sher Ali, and several of their associates, allegedly killed Arvind in front of police officers. Arvind was reportedly an RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) Swayamsevak.
According to media reports, the tragic event unfolded around 7:15 PM when a quarrel broke out involving Allu, Arif, Shubham, Sher Ali, and a man named Siddhesh. The confrontation escalated, and Allu and his associates began assaulting Siddhesh and his father. Arvind Vaishya intervened to stop the fight but was also beaten by the assailants.
Seeking justice, Arvind went to the Dharavi police station to file a complaint. The duty police inspector assigned two constables to accompany him back to the scene. During this time, Saddam and Jumman reportedly threatened Arvind in front of the police, demanding he withdraw his complaint. Arvind ignored the threats and returned to the scene with the officers.
As they approached Wasim’s garage in Rajiv Nagar, Arvind was suddenly attacked by the group, including Allu, Arif, Saddam, Jumman, Sher Ali, and Shubham. In a brutal assault, the attackers allegedly stabbed Arvind in the chest with a sword, despite the presence of the police constables. The police managed to apprehend Allu, but the other attackers escaped.
Arvind was immediately rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead by the doctors. The police have since registered a case and begun an investigation. So far, one suspect has been arrested, and a manhunt is underway to locate the remaining attackers.
The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has claimed that seven attackers were involved in Arvind’s murder but alleges that the police have only filed FIRs against two suspects. In response, Hindu organisations have staged protests in front of the police station, demanding comprehensive action against all those involved.
Authorities have seized the vehicle used in the attack and are intensively searching for the remaining suspects. Additional police forces have been deployed in the area to maintain order and prevent further violence. Senior officials have assured the public that thorough investigations will be conducted to ensure justice for Arvind and his family.
The victim’s family claims that Arvind Vaishya was intentionally targeted due to his prominent role as a strong Hindu voice in the locality. According to the family, Arvind was merely trying to intervene and stop the ongoing fight when he was viciously attacked by the assailants. They allege that the attackers, led by Arif and Saddam, assaulted Arvind with the clear intent to kill. The family believes that Arvind’s outspoken Hindu identity made him a target for this brutal attack.