Bengaluru: By the evening of July 26, the media was abuzz with news about the supply of mutton and other animal meat transported by trains to Bengaluru city. The Commissioner of the Food Safety and Quality Department stated in a media release on Saturday, July 27 that further legal action would be taken as per the law if any lapses were found.
In response, necessary steps have been initiated by the Food Safety and Quality Department. Officials from both the Police Department and the Food Safety and Quality Department inspected the supply of mutton and other animal meat brought into the city by train.
Range inspectors and food safety officers visited the railway station for an inspection. During their checks, they found that parcels received from Rajasthan were kept in transport vehicles on the outer premises of the station. A total of 90 parcels, containing animal meat, were examined. Samples of the meat were collected and submitted to a food laboratory for analysis to determine the type of animal meat involved.
Further legal action will be based on the analysis results. The officials are also collecting detailed information, including the FSSAI licenses of the sender and recipient of the parcels. The Commissioner of the Food Safety and Quality Department emphasised that appropriate legal measures would be taken if any lapses are found.
Food Department Commissioner Srinivas clarified that no notice had been given to Muslim trader Abdul Razack regarding the alleged case of transporting dog meat from another state to Bengaluru. After gathering information about the case, he informed the media that licenses to sell meat have been given to 12 individuals, and they have been asked to provide relevant information. If they fail to attend, notices will be issued, and their licenses may be canceled.
In connection with the case, three separate FIRs have been registered at Cottonpet police station, and the police have begun their investigation. A third FIR has been filed against pro-Hindu activist Puneet Kerehalli and his associates, charging them with the illegal sale of meat, rioting in groups, and obstructing government employees’ duties.
State forest Minister Ishwar Khandre responded to the issue, noting that there is no complete information about the alleged sale of dog meat in the city. Officials have indicated that they will demand a thorough investigation. Accusations have been made that dog meat was mixed with mutton in the boxes unloaded near the Majestic railway station and supplied to hotels in the city. Puneet Kerehalli’s team intercepted these boxes, claiming that the meat was being sold at significantly lower prices, raising suspicions.
According to market sources the mutton is being sold in Bengaluru for Rs 700 to 800 per kilogram. But the met supplied from Rajasthan is being sold to Rs 500 per kg triggered suspicion. Experts say even in Rajasathan there is no mutton available for such cheap cost. Another suspicion is that the labelling of meat boxes says it is fish but contains mutton. If they supplied meat why boxes have different label name ? questionned a non veg lover.
The meat lovers are panicked after discovery of poor quality mutton being sold in hotels. It takes at least 40-45 hours for train to reach Bengaluru from Jaipur. If the distance of village to Jaipur railway station is calculated the meat is almost three days old .