In a shocking incident, Dilshad Ali, a 33-year-old labourer from Bareilly, has allegedly abducted a Hindu girl from Basti district and brought her to Bithri in Bareilly. The girl’s parents are frantically searching for her and have appealed to the police for her safe return.
Dilshad Ali, who worked at a brick kiln in the Parsurampur police station area of Basti district, reportedly ensnared the girl from the same locality.
On July 6, while the girl was on her way to college, Dilshad allegedly kidnapped her and transported her to his hometown of Bithri in Bareilly district.
In a brazen move, Dilshad Ali has openly declared in Bithri that he has the Hindu girl in his “custody.” He has publicly challenged anyone to try and take her away from him.
Furthermore, Dilshad has announced his intention to convert the girl to Islam and marry her. He has already submitted a marriage application at the SDM court in Bareilly.
#बरेली थाना बिथरी चैनपुर निवासी दिलशाद जिला बस्ती से हिंदू लड़की को अपने प्रेमजाल में फसाकर भगा ले आया है यहां लाकर उसका धर्म परिवर्तन कराकर निकाह कर रहा हैनिकाह केलिए एसडीएम कोर्टमें रजिस्ट्रेशन भीकराया है @bareillypolice बरेली पुलिस मामलेमें त्वरित संज्ञान ले @adgzonebareilly
— Phool Singh Rajpoot (@PhoolSi83078631) July 24, 2024
When Hindu organisations became aware of the situation, they immediately demanded action from the authorities. They have reached out to both the girl’s family and the Basti police, urging swift intervention.
Basti police have confirmed that a case of the girl’s disappearance has been registered. They assured that the search for the girl is ongoing and that further necessary actions are being taken to locate and rescue her as soon as possible.
According to media reports, Dilshad Ali is the son of Nisar Ali and a resident of Bithri village in Bareilly. He was employed as a labourer at a brick kiln in the Parsurampur police station area of Basti district. The girl he abducted hails from Takkipur Khekri in the Parsurampur area, and her parents are farmers.
The incident has stirred significant concern among local Hindu organisations. Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Himanshu Patel has taken a proactive stance, mobilising the organisation and contacting the Basti police. Patel reported that a team from Basti police is en route to Bareilly to collaborate on the rescue of the abducted girl.
He emphasised the urgency of the situation and called for immediate action from police officials to ensure the girl’s safe return.
As the investigation continues, the girl’s family and the community await swift and decisive action from the authorities. The incident has highlighted the need for stringent measures to prevent such occurrences and protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation and coercion.