Ten thousand people participated in the Bhagavat Gita recitation in Chicago, USA. Guru Purnima was the occasion. All the 10,000 people rendered Gita at a time. The entire Gita rendering programme was carried out under the auspices of the Swami Ganapati Sachidananda Foundation. Swami Sachidananda Peet Chief Avdhooth Datha Ganapati Sachidananda was present on the occasion.
The programme was organised in Novrina Auditorium. Bharatiyas and Americans recited the Bhagavat Gita together and chanted 700 slokas(verses) together. Participants were from 30 states in the USA and 14 foreign countries. They were between 3 and 80 years old.
Juliana Starter (Governor of Illinois, USA), State Senate Gayololias, and Fofman Mayor Bill Mcliod participated in the programme. Thousands of People also participated last year.
The idea behind the Mammoth programme is to propagate the message of Gita and pray for world peace.
The success of the Bhagavat Gita Recitation programme clearly indicates the increasing influence of Hindu culture and the Bhagavat Gita in Western countries. It reminds me of one of the Diwali celebrations that US presidents have been leading in the White House for the last several years.